South Park Sounds

This is probably one of the biggest South Park sound archives on the web. So check it out and tell me what you think. Don't forget that these are all .wav files! (to download, just click, or right click and save target as).
Big Boned "I'm not fat... I'm big Boned!"

Assmaster " go and sit in front of a TV, and eat cheesy poofs assmaster..."

babies "...hay woman, shut your mouth...and...and... make babies!"

Big fat f#%k "damn cartman, you're such a fat f#%k, when you walk down the street..."

Black People "my mom says there are a lot of black people in Africa."

Buff "laugh all you want, i'm gonna be the one on TV... lookin' all buff!"

Cartoons "yea... cartoons kick ass!"

Scuzel butt "...what was that?" "maybe it was Scuzel butt coming to..."

Crack whore "...atleast my mom's not on the cover of Crack Whore magazine..." "what! what did you say?!"

Democrats "... democrats piss me off!"

Dildo "mom...kitty's being a dildo..."

Homo dog "...yea dude, i think your dog is gay...Stan's dog's a homo...!"

Intelegent "dude, dolphins are intelegent and friendly..."

Howdy ho! "Howdy ho!"

Stan's sister "heh... your sister kicked your ass!"

Dude...sick! "Dude!...Sick!"

Fart "Hay Stan, you wanna know what i think?" "what? "(fart)"

Kenny1 "mmph mph mph"

Kenny2 "mph mmph mmph mph mph"

Kenny3 "mph mph mph mph (sound kinda' like "thnks for asking" listen to it for your selfs).

Flame Gas! "Eric, do you need to sit in the corner till your flaming gas is under control?"

Anal Probe "Fart "What's an anal probe?" "'s a..."

Wind "Eric, what color is the wind?" "...why don't you find out?...(fart)"

Candy "Can we have some candy now please?"

Pee "No, no thanks, that stuff tastes like pee" "...Yea, Cartman's pee,..."

Poofs "you want some cheesy poofs..."

Pop Tart "...Cartman couldn't tell a poptart from a rain forest..."

Trick or Treat! "I'm trying to trick or treat here god damn it!"

What ever! "...there's something sticking out of your ass!" "...What ever..."

Appetizers "here starin' Marvin' these are what we call apptizers..."

Communicate "I don't like kenny anymore, he just doesn't communicate!"

Dog "Speaking of kicking ass... here comes Stan's little homo dog!"

Fat B#%ch "(screeming)" "yea what ever you fat..."

Snacky Cakes "I can't belive that son of a b#%ch..." "here Cartman, have a snacky cake"

Sweater "lister missy, why don't you just knit me a sweater before I slap you in the face..."

Weight Gain 4000! "mom, can you get a weight gain 4000?" "...ok Eric, I'll get you one at the store tomorrow" "...but mom... I need it for tomorrow" "but tomorrow is grocery day Eric..." "(Cartman moaning)" "ok, i guess i'll be going to the store now then!"

Since I only have a limited amount of space, I'm working on another page... check back soon foar a link to more sounds.

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Cartman's "Big Boned" Animated Gifs Page!
Cartman's "Big Boned" Links Page!