JCSindo Chronicles

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     My name is Joennie C. Sindo and this site is about me. I am a Filipino, living in the beautiful country of the Philippines, the Pearl of the Orient. And this site is about my exploits and adventures. This site is also about the people, places and things around me. You can use the menu below to explore my website. Enjoy!

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1999 Webby
Awards' NomineeWow! This site has been nominated for the Webby Awards! I hope this can get to finalists! Talk about coolness! :-)

International Webmasters Association      I recently joined another prestigious association, the International Webmasters Association.

      I just love working on this webpage. And I hope I get a new scanner. What this site needs is more pictures.

     To those who came for the anime gallery, it's on the 'Cool Stuff' section. The section is filling up and growing, thanks to my friends. And, you too, can also contribute in my growing "Cool Stuff" section. Send me an article, a top ten list, a picture that you think would be great for that section. I'm going to post good stuff only, okay?

      I am also working on a weird site. It's called K•Shark's Home Page. I still have no idea on what I'm going to put on that site. Maybe you can give me an idea.

     In the meantime, I'm going to sit down and read a book. For the greatest choices in books, why don't you drop by Amazon.com, the leading online book retailer. Amazon.com offers more than 3 million titles and their service is excellent, I recommend them. You can go directly to Amazon.com by click on the logo on the right, or you can use the search box to search for a book by entering a keyword.

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I'm going to update this site to include a bookstore. Books are great stuff. I learned how to create web sites, improve my layout and design skills. I'm going to place there books where you can learn how to create cool sites like this.

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Original logos, pictures and design are made by Joennie Sindo. Copying my work is bad karma. But if you really like to have it, you can e-mail me and place a link, even a small one to this site. Thank you.

Images, articles and artwork from popular anime, movie and TV shows
presented in "Cool Stuff" was taken from other websites and is believed to be public domain. Characters, titles and names are copyrighted by their respective owners.

The views expressed here are not necessarily coincide with the views of my employer. The views I have expressed here is mine and mine alone unless I say otherwise. (I really don't get this fine-print-legal-stuff anyway. I just saw it on some other guy's page and I thought it was cool.)

This site is
one with the
celebration of
Phil. Cent. Logo 12 June 1998

This page is maintained by Joennie C. Sindo

Copyright © 1997, 1998 by Joennie C. Sindo. All rights reserved.
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