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Local Freeholds
Yogi's Thoughts


11 June 2001 Monday
Alright, the Xanga, weblog been abandoned. I posted what was on it here. The journal has been updated, and I put a button for the Guest book on this page.

08 June 2001 Friday
It's been Quite a while since I updated here, right now, it's just a few technical changes, nothing cosmetic... yet.

06 January 2001 Saturday
Still not sure of a viable way to import xanga weblog here, maybe I'll just create a seperate one in geocities.

20 December 2000
I just recieved an email from, as far as I can tell the first visitor to this site, since i changed the format. She's pretty cool, you can find out a bit more about her at Thankyou for the suggestion, I did on her suggestion go and get a weblog at you can check out what's going on there at untill I intergrate it with this.

04 December 2000
I'd kinda like to use this as a news forum. I don't really know yet how I'll distinguish this from the journal section, but we'll see. Please if you come to this page, let me know. I am keenly interested. Even though right now there isn't much on it, maybe YOU could help me develop he sections I have space earmarked for.

26 November 2000
I just added a Guest book. Feel free to leave your comments. Just remember, people of different temperaments may visit this site, so if you have anything not-so-polite to say, then E-mail it to me.

22 November 2000
Here we go. The first content is posted @ Check it out, and return regularly for updates. I'll be checking. Right now I have one freehold up, and one Journal entry. They're both worth checking out. The Journal's can make for a great Darkness setting, just read one, and let your PC's soak in the mood.


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