I've had some really freaky experiences with ghosts. One time, I was staying over at the cottage we have on our island on the Susquehanna River. So, it was really late at night and hardly anyone was there. My friends Stephanie, Corey, Mike and I were playing around with the Ouija Board in the woods behind the cottage. We had a little fire going. We asked the Ouija Board if we could talk to Martha Bailey. She is a woman who died many years ago and she is said to haunt the island. Not to worry; she is a good ghost. Anyway, we wanted to talk to her, but an evil ghost came to talk to us. He called himself 'Goz' and told us that he was holding Martha back from talking to us. I forget most of what he said, but all of a sudden, the flames from our fire got really big and the wind really started to blow. Finally, he went away and we were able to speak with Martha. Then, the summer of 1995, I was at a friend's house, spending the night. Megan, Stacy, and I were alone and bored that night. So, we decided to MAKE a Ouija Board. It wasn't working too well, but we did get to speak to one spirit. He didn't say too much though. All of a sudden, the cat started to act really strange. He knocked one of the candle's over and the red wax spilled on the Ouija Board. It covered the word 'yes' in a perfect circle. By then, we decided that we had enough of that for one night, so we put it in the closet. Then, the cat started clawing at the closet door like it wanted to get at something. It had never done that before. Then it just started watching us. Ya know how they say 'a spirit is able to see through a cat's eyes'? Well, that is what we think happened. We invited a spirit into the house....so, the next night, we were in the kitchen getting a drink. Stacy set her glass on the counter next to the fridge and went to use the phone. The glass was nowhere near the edge and the cat was nowhere in the room. All of a sudden, we heard a crash. The cup had fallen to the floor!! No one was anywhere near it! It was a really strange event.

This story Posted by: Jessica Baughman
September 26, 1997

Thursday, 02-Oct-97 17:11:13

I have had many encounters with the supernatural before. One day my mom came and got me out of bed and we heard a voice say "Come play with me." my mom turned around and asked me what it was. I said,"I dont know!" One strange thing is that my whole house can be hot and my room is cold. The house can be cold my room will be warm. The woods near my house are haunted only at night. Things range from moving black objects,red glowing eyes, and ghosts of indians. The spirits in my house don't show much of themselves. The last time I had an encounter was when I was listening to Alanis Morissiette; my CD player stopped on its own, and the CD tray opened up.

This story posted by: bEn- tAyLoR_ (ChubbyVader)

July, 2000
Part of the reason the section is on this page deals with what I can do. If you are a skeptic, don't read on, if you are a believer, please continue:

When I was a baby, this I do not remember, they say that a large ball of light appeared at the foot of my bed. At that time, my crib was in my parents' dressing room. My mom was awake, and from her side of the bed, she could see right into the dressing room. My brother, who was eight at the time, could see it from his bedroom because his door was open. He called out, "MOM?!" and she said, "It's okay, I see it, too." And right then, the light sucked itself away.
When I was a little older, I had my own room. I was still in the crib at the time. One night, I saw a "collage" of faces on my wall. The faces were all of the same old man.

I constantly had nightmares about demons. My brother told us years later that he was haunted by a black figure. I remembered that around that time, i had seen a black figure in my playroom. I walked right up to it, and it went away. I remembered having a dream about it. I saw a figure in black, but his "mask" was off, and I saw a pale face. He told me that he was not after me, just my brother.
Since I got older, I realized that being able to see people passing through the house that other people couldn't see and being able to hear voices of people that I couldn't see or being touched by something I couldn't see wasn't something that everyone can do.
I've accepted that I have some kind of second sight. I can sometimes read minds, predict the future, and even tell people about lost loved ones. I can't do this well, but I have the ability. There is no other explanation. Heck, I even got my friends dog to sit, stand, sit, and stand again with just using my head.

This story posted by: Anonymous

November 8, 2000

Well, at this point, we still don't know who the president will be. I was told Monday night by my guide that it would be Gore, and considering she has no idea what a president is, I had to explain everything in detail. I didn't get an answer during that hour, so I gave up. Right before I went to bed, though, it was much quieter in the room. She said, "Vice President Gore; whatever a vice-president is. . ." I laughed. I wanted Bush to win, but too many people believe my prediction about Gore that they even bet money on it. I was right about all the states that Gore got, and that Hillary was to win her election (sigh), so I figure I'm probably not wrong about this one.

This Story posted by: Anonymous

Do you have an experiance with spirits from the other side? Post it on the Dimension Board. If I like it, it will find it's way to this section.

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