Name: Kami

Old H.S. Nickname Kum (Not what you think, long story)
MUTTS nickname: Zeet (some insist on calling me Stevie, though)

Internet handle: Cyberbtch or Kummibear

DOB: November 12, 1980

Location Denver, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania

Where I was: Cocalico High School

Where I am: California University of Pennsylvania with an English major with Creative Writing emphasis.

Favorite color: Black

Favorite number: Four...but three is the secret of the universe.

Interests:In high school, I was involved with Cheerleading. I am still involved with Marching and symphonic band in college. I'm one of the newest members of M.U.T.T.S. I do impressions. I'm good at Gymnastics/tumbling. Sci-fiction and fantasy writer. I ultimately plan to write books when I finish school, but I'll probably wind up being an editor or some kind of administrative assistant.

Favorite Time of Day: Night

Weather: I have an ongoing love-affair with summer thunderstorms.

Favorite Quotes: "Don't play dumb. Too many people in high school are much better at it than you are." --Daria Morgendorffer "I love it when people say they think I'm cool. Coolness is such a lie, it's just so uncool."--Juliette Lewis "I love carrots, but I wouldn't want to marry it!"--Pee Wee Herman. "Doing things faster is no substitute for doing the right things"--Stephen R. Covey "A sobering thought: what if, at this very moment, I am living up to my full potential?"Jane Wagner "Find out what you like doing best and get someone to pay you for doing it>" ---Katherine Whitehorn "The art of a novel happens because the storytellers own experiences has moved him to an emotion so passionate that he can no longer keep it shut up in his heart." --Murasaki Shikibu (978-1031) "The Constitution only gives you the right to pursue happiness. . .you have to catch it yourself."--Ben Franklen "Rock is Dead." ---Jim Morrison "Mike, can you take me to the beer distribulator?" ---Melanie, after she already took a trip to the beer distributor "Yeah, and you'd be the first trash I'd pick up." ---Melissa, after we were joking around and I said she could put a spike on her cane and pick up trash with it! "The universe cycles again from infinate smallness into infinate bigness and back again."---Andrea on a really far out acid trip. "M&M's put a smile on your face." Jeramy without his ritalin. "But, if you crawled under a rock, how would we find you? It would take us forever to look under all the rocks in the world, and you'd die before we'd find you. Don't crawl under a rock, nothing could be that bad." ---Tami "I feel like I'm back on tyhe cotton field."---Tami "That baby's CUTE!!!" ---my two year old niece when we gave her my old My Real Baby, which looks satanic. "When I bite into a York Peppermint Patty, I get the sensation that I . . .well. . .I'm just glad I did it." ---The cute little old man on the peppermint patty commercial

Collection: Darkshadows Memorabilla. As of December 2001, I have the Almanac, the Companion, the Movie book, two of the novels, a poster of one of the novel covers, one set of trading cards; unsigned, both movies on VHS, two MPI episode tapes, a CD of the soundtracks to both movies, an autographed 1996 Edition of Josette's Music Box, an autographed glossy of Lara Parker, an autographed glossy of Diana Millay, Famous Monsters of Filmland issue #82, a Barnabas Collins Mouse pad, a Barnabas Collins t-shirt, a House of Dark Shadows zippo lighter, a House of Dark Shadows poster, Quentin's Theme sheet music for piano, The Best of Barnabas Collins Video, and Barnabas Collin's ring. Someday, I want the cane, the 1968 music box, the Barnabas portrait, the music book, and the Barnabas Collins board game with all the pieces (I would really like to have one with the bonus teeth, especially!!) If you have any of these items currently on Ebay E-mail me at and we'll do some business.

I have little pity for: anyone in a bad situation that makes every excuse to stay there. Anyone that's too stubborn to admit when they are wrong. Anyone wo looks for the easy way out and whines when there isn't one. Anyone who claims to be in love when they can't love themselves. Anyone who's jealous of the accomplished for the simple fact that she hasn't accomplished anything. People who try to fit themselves into the mold that mainstream society has maintained and trimmed over the years and hurts everyone that doesn't meet those standards. And I'm stressed out and don't have time for these types of people right now.

Favorite Book: Stephen King's IT Read it Five times. The symbolism is awesome. Also, Dave Marusek is becoming my favorite author. I'm also really into this Ray Bradbury book I'm reading right now.

Favorite From My B-Movie Collection The Bad Seed. It's about an eight year old girl with blonde pigtails who's a serial killer. It came out in the fifties...I read the book and the play, too.

Please give to the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America. Without their work and research, I wouldn't be alive today.

I am

When looking at one personality aspect at once, not both at the same time

I'm not that mean, heh.

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