Science of Life

Whether life ?

Updated August 08, 1998
edited by Pookha BemScribe

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Odd, unusual and the Possibility of extraterrestrial life

Biological Anthropology

Biological Anthropology Resources on the World Wide Web



Cryptozoology is the study of newly discovered, rediscovered,
and still unknown species of animals.

The British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club Home Page.

Founded in 1989 by writer James A. Clark and scientist Dr. Paul LeBlond,
the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club
comprises a broadly-based membership of enthusiasts interested
in the investigation of various animals as yet unidentified
by science. These include, but are not solely confined to,
the Loch Ness Monster, Cadborosaurus, Ogopogo, Sasquatch, Yetis, Almas,
Sea Serpents and a variety of other unusual and wonderful animals.
Let it be clearly stated that the BCSCC is a scientific body
which believes in following all the rules of zoology when it comes
to establishing the existence of new species of animals.
We do not subscribe in any way, shape or form to any paranormal,
occultic or supernatural viewpoints when it come to such animals.

Criptozoology Com

Cryptozoology Zone.

Human Health

Bio Technology

Biotechnology Information Center (BIC)


The scientific paper on the procedures used to clone Dolly the sheep . From the Roslin Institute

An article from AgBiotech News and Information
on the cloning of Dolly

Fun in Cloning

The Sheep Home Page....Baaaa The Sheep Home Page Baaaaa

AOL successfully clones users from sheep

Night skies of Tennessee

Physics and Science including space exploration

Talking about the weather...
Weather radar, forecasts, climate changes and El Nino

Why is the sky blue?
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