
Greatest Comics: _

Onslaught Marvel Universe: The final battle between The Heroes of Earth and the mighty Onslaught. The X-Men are forced to destroy the Fantastic Four and the Avengers when Onslaught becomes a being of pure psychic energy and the Heroes attempt to hold him in place by becoming containment vessels.

GenerationX #17: Skin and Chamber are being hunted by the X-cutioner because he thinks Skin killed Angelo Espinosa. Well, Chamber is in a bad state do to Onslaught's disruption of the Astral plane, so Skin has to save the day. Skin leads the X-cutioner to an abandoned amusement park where he beats the #@&* out of him.

Uncanny X-Men #341: Cannonball goes toe-to-toe with Gladiator, of the Imperial Guard. This is a slugfest supreme, with both taking as much as they dish out. However, Cannonball comes out on top by channeling the kinetic energy of Gladiator's punch into his blast field.