Greetings, Make Yourself At Home

For those of you who are a bit confused as to what precisely a fanfic mailing list is, please step right this way and all will be revealed in the FAQ

New subscribers..don't despair! Older stories can be ordered and rushed to you through the Backlogs

You've read the previews, you know the info, all that's left are the steps to becoming an offical member of the Roar Fanfiction Mailing List... Sign Me Up!

Writing is a rewarding and entertaining experience, but sometimes we all need a little help. It's for that reason that we have a staff of eager and willing
Beta Readers on hand. Check out our list of people available to help you with the hundred little details that are involved in writing a successful Fanfic.

Oh my gosh! You can't join the list? Well, this mailing list was designed for all those Roariors who want to enjoy the Fanfiction of Roar. It is for that reason that we are pleased to offer The Web Vault , a sister site, run by fellow Roarior Caroline, from which the stories can be accessed on web pages. Don't let that stop you from joining the list though!

How many of you would like to see the authors on this page receive the recognition they so richly deserve? You can do your part in the section that lets you Vote for Your Favorite Fanfic

We have for your viewing pleasure a collection of Round Robins collectively written by the Chronicles authors. Come on down and see what we can do when we all pool our skills!

All comments, questions, suggestions, and even flames can be directed to me at Nicki

Disclaimer: I am in no way affiliated with the owners, producers, and writers of Roar and everything on this page is pretty much being used without their permission or knowledge. This site does not intend to violate any copyrights held by said owners.