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Holy Updates Batman!

Wow folks, been quite a while since I updated the page so lemme open up a window or two and air this place out!

Lots and lots of kewl stuff to report, but first and foremost- the Chronicles List is under new management. Skybax is apparently MIA so the list will now be sent out by Caroline Bigelow at least once a month.

Secondly, there has been a new story added to the Backlogs

Thirdly, we're still looking for authors for the Roar Round Robin. Right now there is one in the works, but there are only two authors- myself and fellow Roarior Melissa. Sign up folks! More info can be found in the Round Robin section of the main page.

Everyone be sure to vote for your favorite fanfic in the new Awards Section. The Prize- well aside from the ego booster of knowing your 'fic is so well loved, the 'fic will be featured on this page in the new Hall of Fame :)

That's about it folks and I'd just like to take this opportunity to say thank you to all those who have kept the spirit of Roar alive and stuck with the Chronicles list despite the pitiful lack of updates. You have truly earned the title of "Roariors". May the Roar echo for all time

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