The She-Wolf of London/Love and Curses
Drinking Game

Well, here it is--The She-Wolf Drinking Game! This list was compiled by several Wolfies over a period of a few months. A few ground rules before we begin:

Take one drink every time an event occurs
For the purposes of this game, one drink = one sip
For those who prefer not to drink, I recommend either M&Ms or Reese's Peanut Butter Cups :)
If are under age, I'd suggest using either candy or non-alcoholic beverages.

Other than that, have fun! ;)

The London Episodes(She-Wolf of London):

*Randi transforms
--Two if it's not the result of the full moon
*Randi attacks Ian when she transforms
*CHUG if they meet another werewolf
*Randi refers to her condition as a 'curse'
*Randi finds herself naked in an embarrasssing situation
--Three times if it's Ian who finds himself naked in an embarrassing situation
*Every time another series and/or film is mentioned
--Twice if Neil Dickson or Kate Hodge was in it
*Dad Matheson and Aunt Elsa argue
*Julian hits on Randi(or anyone else, for that matter. ;)
*Aunt Elsa mentions sex and/or men
*Aunt Elsa actually hits on a man
--Three times if it's Ian
*Mum Matheson is over protective of Ian
*Anyone comments on the idiosyncracies of British culture
*Anyone comments on the idiosyncracies of American culture
*Anytime Ian comments on the state of the University(or universities in general)
--Two times if Randi does
*Anytime someone promises Randi a cure, but really has evil intentions
*Randi or Ian kiss someone
--Twice if they kiss each other. :)
*Dad Matheson refers to his time in the Guards
--Two if Dad Matheson gets a paying boarder at the B&B
*Anyone says 'There's no such thing as a Werewolf' or any variation thereof
--Two times if it's Ian
*Take one drink if we see the parrot
--Two if the parrot talks
*Julian actually gets to speak
*One drink for every knowing look Aunt Elsa gives Ian or Randi
--Take two drinks every time Ian and Randi get into the old argument of "Yes, it's real" or "No, it's not"
*Everytime the dog is walked in front of Matheson House
--Three drinks every time Ian gets nastily trashed by the Beast-of-the-Week(Ex: dies, ages, etc.)
--CHUG if Ian survives an ep without being beaten, kidnapped, etc.
*One drink every time one of Ian's books is mentioned
--Two drinks if you incorrectly repeat the title(the long version)

The L.A. Episodes(Love and Curses)

*Randi does something completely out of character for no apparent reason
*CHUG if Ian does a James Bond imitation
*We see the Jaguar
*Skip hits on Randi
--Two if Randi gives him a dirty look for it
--Two if it involves a black negligee
--Four and celebrate if Randi decks him for it(gryn)
--CHUG if Randi actually responds positively to his advances(trust us, you'll need it!)
*A cute and/or fuzzy animal is used as a plot device(No, the Werewolf doesn't count! ;)
*A villian turns out to be a decent person and was either:
--Being used, or
--Depicted as having good intentions, however misguided
*CHUG if you have to watch the entire L&C episode in a single sitting(Well, it certainly makes it easier!)
*Randi wears one of those tacky Casual Corner suits
*Ian has to interview one of Skip's dates
*A major continuity error occurs(Such as, "Is it day or night when Ian kills the vampire lawyers??")
*Another show on Skip's T.V. station is mentioned
*Ian rescues Randi
*CHUG if Randi rescues Ian

Contributers: AC Chapin, Jeanne Floitgraf, Erika Hanson, Minna Hulkko, Carol Maschke, Susan Smith