* title
syntax: edit pl# title #(0-8)
* complexion
syntax: edit pl# complexion #(0-10)
* eyecolor
syntax: edit pl# eyecolor #(0-9)
* haircolor
syntax: edit pl# haircolor #(0-11)
* hairstyle
syntax: edit pl# hairstyle #(0-8)
* hairlength
syntax: edit pl# hairlength #(0-5)
* race
syntax: edit pl# race #(0-5)
0 = Elven, 1 = Dwarven, 2 = Gnomish, 3 = Human, 4 = Goblin,
5 = Half-Ogre
* class
syntax: edit pl# class #(0-7)
0 = Warrior/Knight, 1 = Sorceror/Arch Magus, 2 = Acolyte/High Priest,
3 = Rogue/Blackguard, 4 = Hunter/Beast Master, 5 = Druid/Arch Druid,
6 = Archer/Master Archer, 7 = Necrolyte/Necromancer
* level
syntax: edit pl# level #(1-32767)
Add 25 levels if promoted (i.e. level 115 = level 90 promoted)
* experience
syntax: edit pl# experience #(0 to -1)
* rune
syntax: edit pl# rune #(0-8)
0 = None, 1 = White, 2 = Yellow, 3 = Green, 4 = Blue, 5 = Violet
6 = Red, 7 = Orange, 8 = Gold
* gold
syntax: edit pl# gold #(0-65000)
* account
syntax: edit pl# account #(0-Unknown)
Note: Limit for 'Unknown' is same limit for exp before it goes
to a negative number, I believe max is around 2,145,000,000 gold.
* charges
syntax: edit pl# charges Unknown
* intellect
syntax: edit pl# intellect #(1-32767)
* knowledge
syntax: edit pl# knowledge #(1-32767)
* physique
syntax: edit pl# physique #(1-32767)
* stamina
syntax: edit pl# stamina #(1-32767)
* agility
syntax edit pl# agility #(1-32767)
* charisma
syntax: edit pl# charisma #(1-32767)
* hits
syntax: edit pl# hits #(0-32767)
Hits = Vitality
* mana
syntax: edit pl# mana #(0-32767)
* armor
syntax: edit pl# armor #(Unknown)
* weapon
syntax: edit pl# weapon #(Unknown)
* ac
syntax: edit pl# ac #(0-32767)
* attacks
syntax: edit pl# attacks #(Unknown)
* attdly
syntax: edit pl# attdly
* spldly
syntax: edit pl# spldly
* invcnt
syntax: edit pl# invcnt
* parcnt
syntax: edit pl# parcnt
* poison
syntax: edit pl# poison
* food
syntax: edit pl# food
* water
syntax: edit pl# water
* promot
syntax: edit pl# promot
* newchr
syntax: edit pl# newchr
Non-Edit, but sysop commands:
Squart - Not sure as to what this does.
wipe # - Wipes the room of all monsters
show # - Shows what is in room #, monsters, people, and items
reinit - Reinitializes Tele-Arena
relair - Relairs the lairs :) Such as dungeon etc.
locate pl# - Locate player.
room - Shows all statistics of the room you're in.
conjure # - Conjure item #
teleport pl# room# #(0-2)
vanish - POuf!
Horde # room# - fills room to max amt of mob#
prey - Target players attdly&spldly are set to resting
summon # room# - Summon mob# to room#
level - Not sure as to what this does either