

Croatian Newsgruop…or how to say something smart but feel stupid…

Theyre gonna kill me 4 this…
I knew of the existance of the group LONG before I decided to join it…
Heres how it happened;
That evening…my usual chat-room was empty…several ppl were chatting like: HI! Yup high… What? NE-1 HERE? Nope..why? WHO R U? why?BRB Rite… C U L8R… HI NE1 here?!?!
Nope… * X has been kicked by Y * * X has joined * $%/=/(#%/(#% =&#/=#/#)/#/#/
!$¨?$=”¨%)”¨ * was kicked* * you were kicked * * cannot rejoin you have been banned*
Sounds familiar? Why the hell do I even chat?!!? Nothing EVER happens in these chat rooms any more…where are those golden times of online beer parties…and open sex talks…nowadays they just HI BRB HI BYE CU BYE HI BRB HI BYE kicked banned joined kicked banned joined… AAAAAARGH…
Well after that I re-checked my inbox…nothing…ultimate boredom… Lets see…
I logged on and requested a list of hr groups, amongst them I found…lets see…
I came, and saw nothing…all was dead, several PIR8s were selling their lame software…and nothing besides that…I read a few articles and responded to some of them…just to get back to some ppl…I went offline and never intended to come back…
But I did..that was the first thing I did the next day…I saw their replies…and decided to prove my point…from then on I check posts once a day…and answer to those I find interesting.
Right now I am completely consumed by their funny answers…much better than irc it seems…less time spent online J and much more smart ideas to read…
However the ppl are much 2 lazy 2 actually write the posts to the newsgroup..most often they read them and mock the ones who wrote them…effectively discourageing them ever 2 write again...that’s stupid…
Sometimes you get the feeling you are the only one there who is still actually trying…and you post a discussion and only 3 ppl respond to it with no more that a couple of sentences which actually have nothing to do with your post in the first place…
But if everyone just gave up..nothing would exist…so I keep coming back…after all they are not THAT boring…I remember how they begun discussing what elves and dwarves drink…ale or vine…well that didn’t have anything to do with the topic but what the hell…
Besides that DM-s have very funny comments about players…and vice-versa…
5 Players from that newsgroup currently play with me…so newsgroup IS a good idea…but you have to be patient and do your best…because someone has to…all the others are soooo inert and dead…like they HAVE to do it…
I mean how hard can it be writing like this?
Right now I am listening to my MP3-s…Westbams Sunshine…and I am using word97..quite easy..and fast…at home…in the evening, nothing on TV (as usual), nothing much to do, don’t feel like playing computer games…whats so damn difficult about writing a simple article?
Don’t tell me you don’t have time to do it…it just isnt true…I have time to do it, and I am studying at the faculty from 07:30 am till 19:00 pm…tired and all…and I design web-pages, write for magazines…it is I who should be complaining about not having enough time…but YOU high-school workaholics who have all the time you need and don’t do anything at all usefull, why don’t YOU have the time?
I know why Edgar hasn’t got the time, and Incanus…but where are the rest of you lazy souls?
Where are you beginners? You gave us a hard time there, having patience to explain everything to you…and now you don’t even write a single post/question…why is that?
I myself have posted many interesting discussions…so why don’t you at least try to read them…cant be THAT hard can it?
I think this newsgroup has a future…but not yet… J
Get your thumbs out of your assses and start writing…
I mean just imagine a news group, mailing list and a ring of web-pages only 4 RPG-ers, modules, monsters, adventures and discussions, available players and DMs everywhere…every group would have their own sage who would write a sort of a diary of their adventures, a novel in the constant making etc. There are many possibilities…just TRY and you will see J

