"I hit it with my sword!!! ...Ooops..."

3rd Edition D&D
I'm a bit of a DnD freak, love the new 3rd ed system. I actually tried playing older editions, but just couldn't slog through the rules and I only went to two or three games. This new edition, though, is just right up my ally.

I've played a number of characters in various games and this section is just going to be random information about... well... anything D&D-ish that I decide to post.

Updates will be noted below in a newsbox format so you don't have to page through everything to see what's changed.

OGL Updated [2002.04.08]
The OGL is now up, with a reformatted version and a new page which describes how I intend to handle presentation of OGC and my own creations. The specific information for the games I'm running are being witheld for now, until I get someone to translate lawyer speak for me.
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