"Worlds upon worlds upon worlds..."

Other Gaming Systems
Legend of the Five Rings (L5R)
I love the oriental culture, and this RPG takes a bit from everything about it I love and rolls it all into one colorful world. The gaming style is different than the norm (you roll all d10s and you keep a certain number, rather than rolling different types of dice for everything) and the "leveling" system is quite unique as well. All in all, it's just a refreshing change from your standard 1-die or D&D style gaming.

Currently, I'm making a character for a friends L5R game RL and I've found this site to be absolutely, wonderfully helpful. Please don't turn them in.

I'll add more to this when I've a) got more time and b) got more to tell.
Generic Universal Role Playing System (GURPS)
This system definately lives up to it's name. It's definately generic and it's definate universal. You can do literally anything in this system, from vampire games to dungeon crawlers to futuristic to mideaval.

I'm currently using it as a basis for judging how powerful some of my characters are, both online and in my stories. If they total to too many points by the GURPS character point system, then I'll add defects or tone down their abilities a bit.

All in all, it's a fun system just to muck with, even just briefly. Again, I'll add more to this when I've a) got more time and b) got more to tell.
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