Did you heard anything exciting from anyone about V or the actors and actresses? Then tell me and I'll post it!

Please Note!

Please don't e-mail me trying to argue with me about these rumours, I only post them as I hear them, thanks.

The Rumours!!

This information should be considered unconfirmed unless it says otherwise by the rumour, enjoy!

March 04, 1998


It seems the Finns and V are heating up, as Finland enters a new era in Science Fiction entertainment!

- Rumour has it that the series has restarted in Finland, and I did a little digging around! This is true!

- The Finns seem to think that there may be a new V series coming out in the near future.

February 12, 1998

The Return

I received a startling e-mail from a person who surfed into the VPG, she claims that "The Return" did infact air! More details to follow, and she may mail me a copy of the tape! If you wish to view the e-mail I received, please give me a shout!

- I will ask her for more details, but she says "it was weird to see two different episodes dealing with Ham's return".

- Ham Tyler "returns", hence the title of the episode.

- It's possible the series was cancelled, and it only aired in a few places (this is only a thought).

- Perhaps the spotting of the script at Warner Bros. was due to people buying the tapes they have on sale in stores!

February 11, 1998

The resurrection of V

There is patchy news about a new V movie and the unplayed episode "The Return", as of yet, it is unconfirmed. Any further news/rumours would be appreciated.

- Rumour has it that the script for "The Return" showed up in the Warner Bros. offices!

- I've heard that there is a new V script in the making.

- If Warner Bros. did release V again, I hear that they will produce "The Return" first and check the ratings out.

- Rumour also has it that the cast of V wouldn't mind coming back to the set.

Jane Badler

- Jane Badler has settled down in Rippon Lea in Australia, this is true! Talk to Ilana about sending letters to Jane and other V stars!

- Jane has two sons and is married.

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