Roger's Girlfriends

Over the years, Roger has had various stints aboard each of the ships, and sometimes, even relationships. These relationships are few and far between for our hero, so I thought I should create a page to remember these gals.

Beatrice Wankmeister

Beatrice Wankmeister
She was first shown to Roger on a holodisk in SQ4, by his son. Roger supposedly had his son with Beatrice. In SQ5, Roger finally met up with this "woman of his dreams", and she was basically not at all what he expected. She was sorta rude, she could kick Roger's butt in a split second (anyone who's played SQ5 knows what I'm talking about!), and she was very independent. But Roger still managed to get her to like him. So now we can pretty much safely assume that Roger is going to stay with Beatrice, considering that he had a kid with her (Geez! I thought this game was rated PG-13!). And so goes on the Space Quest soap opera!



This "Leader of the Latex Babes" is who Roger ran into in SQ10 which he warped to from SQ12 in SQ4 (is it just me, or does SQ4 get more complicated as we talk about it?). She apparently had gone out with Roger's son, and he left her. So she got mistakened and captured Roger. Unfortunately for Roger, she decided to let our hero have his own space, and not worry about her. Well, it's probably better anyways, or else the game's rating would be "M" (the same as Leisure Suit Larry's games!!!). All in all, this is probly one of Roger's finest babes!

Stellar Santiago

Stellar Santiago
This one was pretty unexpected. Roger just came back to the Deepship when Stellar announced her love for him. Roger wanted more than anything to go out with her but then he remembered what Beatrice would do to him if she found out (I think the specific words were:"I'd be wearing my sphincter for a necklace if Beatrice ever found out".).So Rog tried to keep Stellar out of his mind. And then Stellar got killed in a conspiracy, and Stellar got buried until Rog got a distress message from her. He answered and saved her life. Now who knows what's going to happen with this storyline? All we know is that Roger and Beatrice have a child and that's it!

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Thanks GeoCities for the page.