Edgar Rice Burroughs'
Tarzan of the Apes

An online museum of Tarzan books and collectibles

"And when I am back in the jungle, it is with relief that I sink back into my natural timelessness. I become one with the beasts and the trees, and I can laze away weeks or months with no thoughts beyond now." - Lord Greystoke, from "Extracts from the Memoirs of Lord Greystoke" edited by Philip Jose Farmer

What's New?

Interactive Tarzan

It seems a common scenario that most of the true Tarzan fans probably first read Tarzan of the Apes when they were somewhere around ten years old. And thereafter lived in the trees forever, at least on some inner cerebral landscape. Maybe there were times along the way when they almost forgot, but not quite. Somewhere hidden, lurking, always was that special, inexplicable, primal yet noble emotion instilled by Mr. Burroughs. It is a feeling that we carry on and hold close, for it is the best of us. Our true essence that remains after the facade of civilization crumbles away.

A collection of various editions of Tarzan of the Apes
McClurg, A.L. Burt, Grosset & Dunlap, paperbacks, foreign , Big Little Books, and even audio.

Frazetta does Tarzan
Master illustrator Frank Frazetta's Ace paperback covers.

For the last while I have been building my collection of Edgar Rice Burroughs and Tarzan items. From first edition books to toys and posters and Tarzan things you probably hadn't thought existed. I'll be continually adding items to this site, as time permits, in order to share my good fun and joy with other fans. So please come back and visit again to see what's new.

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Picture Gallery
Three Tarzans
The first published Tarzan story
Elmo Lincoln, the first movie Tarzan
Edgar Rice Burroughs in uniform
Tarzan Jane and Boy
Tarzan and the Lost City

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Tarzan is a copyright and trademark of Edgar Rice Burroughs Inc.









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