No. | Title | Subject | Cover |
1 |
The Conscious Universe : The
Scientific Truth of Psychic Phenomena, Dean I. Radin,1997 |
Parapsychology |
2 |
Leaving the
Body : A Complete Guide to Astral Projection - A step-by-step presentation of eight different systems of out-of-body
travel, D. Scott Rogo, Prentice-Hall,1993 |
3 |
Journey of Souls : Case Studies of Life Between Lives,
Michael Duff Newton, 1994 |
Parapsychology |
4 |
Auras : See Them in Only 60 Seconds, Mark
Smith,1997 |
Parapsychology |
5 |
Hidden Power : How to Unleash the Power of
Your Subconscious Mind, James K. Van Fleet, 1987 |
Psychology |
6 |
ESP, Hauntings and Poltergeists: A
Parapsychologist's Handbook, Loyd Auerbach, 1986 |
Parapsychology |
7 |
The Opening of The Third Eye, Douglas Baker,
The Aquarian Press, 1986 |
8 |
Mind, Body and Electromagnetism, John
Evans, Elements Books, 1986 |
Physiology |
9 |
The Prophecies of Nostradamus, Erika Cheetham,
Corgi Books, 1976 |
10 |
Develop Your Psychic Abilities, And Get Them
to Work for You in Your Daily Life, Litany Burns, Pocket Books,
1987 |
Psychic |
11 |
The Case for Reincarnation, Joe Fisher, Bantam
Books, 1985 |
Parapsychology |
12 |
Your Psychic World, An everyday guide, Ann Petrie,
Arrow Books Ltd, 1984 |
Psychic |
13 |
Hidup Sesudah Mati (Life After Life),
Raymond A. Moody, JR., Gramedia, 1986 |
Parapsychology |
14 |
Know Your Own PSI-Q, Hans J Eysenck and Car
Sargent, Corgi Books, 1983 |
15 |
Is It True What They Say About Edgar Cayce?, Lytle
W. Robinson, Berkley Books, 1981 |
16 |
Supernatural Vanishings : Otherworldly Disappearances,
Rodney Davies,Sterling Publishing Company, 1996 |
Parapsychology |
17 |
Misteri Masa Depan Anda
(Predicting Your Future), The Diagram Group, Diagram Visual Information Ltd 1993 |
Paranormal |
18 |
Misteri Masa Lalu Anda (Where Were
You), J. Maya Pilkington, Diagram Visual Information Ltd, 1992 |
Parapsychology |
19 |
Rahasia Daya Pendulum (Pendulum Power),
Greg Nielsen & Joseph Polansky, Dahara Prize, 1985 |
Paranormal |
20 |
Hipnotisme Pribadi (Self Hypnotism: The
Tecknique and Its Use In Daily Living), Lesli M. Lecron, Dahara Prize
1986 |
Psychology |
21 |
Chakras (The Chakras), CW Leadbeater,
Dahara Prize 1989 |
Parapsychology |
22 |
Rahasia Menguasai Mistik, Yoseph J.
Weed, Pioneer, 1985 |
Paranormal |
23 |
Parapsikolgi: sebuah tinjauan, Soesanto
Kartoatmodjo, S.H., CV Haji Masagung, 1987 |
Parapsychology |
24 |
Rahasia Ilmu Gaib, Pranajaya, CV. Aneka,
1987 |
Paranormal |
25 |
Bagaimana Menguasai Pikiran Anda, Harold
Sherman, Pionir Jaya, 1986 |
New Age |
26 |
Meditasi: Melampaui Batas Kesadaran Supra
(Beyond the Superconscious Mind), Avadhutika Ananda Mitra Acarya,
Persatuan Ananda Marga Indonesia,1991 |
Parapsychology |
27 |
Daya Ajaib Metafisik (The Power of
Miracle Metaphysics), Robert B. Stone, Dahara Prize, 1987 |
Paranormal |
28 |
Tenaga Hidup (Life Force), Leo F.
Ludzia, PT Elex Media Komputindo, 1990 |
Parapsychology |
29 |
Tangan Anda Dapat Menyembuhkan- Panduan
Penyaluran Tenaga (Your Hands Can Heal - Learn to Channel Healing
Energy), Ric A. Weinman, PT Elex Media Komputindo, 1990 |
Paranormal |
30 |
Beladiri Dengan Kekuatan Dalam (Psychic
Self-Defense & Well Being), Melita Denning & Osborne Phillips,
Llewellyn Publication, 1989 |
Paranormal |
31 |
Visualisasi Kreatif - Daya Cipta untuk
memenuhi Keinginan Anda (Creative Visualization - For The Fulfillment
of Your Desires), Melita Denning & Osborne Phillips, Llewellyn
Publication, 1989 |
Paranormal |
32 |
Ilmu dan Seni Penyembuhan Dengan Tenaga Prana
(The Ancient Science and Art of Pranic Healing), Choa Kok Sui, PT
Elex Media Komputindo, 1995 |
Paranormal |
33 |
White Magic Sihir, Suroso Orakas,
Penerbit & T.B. Bahagia, ? |
Ocult |
34 |
The Paranormal - Forces Within-Without-Beyond-A Modern Perspective,
John Spencer, Chancellor Press, 1996 |
Parapsychology |
35 |
Telecult Power: The Amazing New Way to Psychic and Occult Wonders,
Reese P. Dubin, Parker Publishing Company Inc., 1970 |
Occult |
36 |
Alien Intelligence - A Fascinating Exploration into the Myterios World of
Non Human, Paranormal, and Extraterrestrial Intelligence,
Stuart Holroyd, David & Charles Limited, 1979 |
Parapsychology |
37 |
Seven Experiments that Could Change The World - A Do-It-Yourself Guide to
Revolutionary Science,
Rupert Sheldrake, Cambridge University Press, 1994 |
Parapsychology |
38 |
Psychic Empowerment - A 7-Day Plan For Self-Development,
Joe H. Slate, Ph.D, Llewellyn Publication, 1995 |
Paranormal | 1567186351
39 |
Amazing and Wonderful Mind Machine You Can Build - Move Things
With Your Mind and Other Experiment,
G. Harry Stine, Top Of The Mountain Publishing, 1995 |
Parapsychology |
40 |
The Forces of Destiny - Reincarnation, Karma and Astrology,
Penny Thornton, George Weindenfeld & Nicolson Limited, 1990 |
Parapsychology |
41 |
QUANTUM QUESTIONS - Mystical Writing of the World's Great Physicists,
Edited by Ken Wilber, Ann Niehauss, News Science Library, 1984 |
Physics |
42 |
Talents - Remarkable powers that defy belief, The World of The
Unexplained, The Book Company, 1996 |
43 |
Mind Power - Astonishing and bizarre psychic
faculties, The World of The Unexplained, The Book Company,
1996 |
44 |
Feng Shui (Feng Shui,
Albert Low), Percetakan KBI, 1994 |
45 |
Pijat Chi - Rahasia Awet Muda Tao
(Chi Self-Massage), Mantak Chia, PT. Pustaka Delapratasa, 1970 |
46 |
Ilmu Kekuatan
Gaib - Belajar Praktek Ilmu Melihat Tembus Tanpa Batas, Mengetahui Sebelum
Terjadi, Suroso Orakas, CV. Bahagia Pekalongan, 1996 |
47 |
Magnetisme - Metode dasar untuk belajar praktek bagi pemula tanpa
kegagalan, Pronojoyo, CV. Aneka, 1996 |
48 |