Now and try and tell me that this is not HOT!!
Well if you haven't noticed yet this site is deticated to the most beautiful woman in the world, Teri Hatcher.
Also since I'm such a nice guy, I have included Dean Cain in this web site.
After all there is no better team then "Lois & Clark"

My name is Justin.  If you are curious as to why I created this site then the main reason is because I'm a Hoosier in Indiana.  Who suprisingly had some time on his hands.  Well anyway I was just watching "Lois & Clark" and decided it would be cool to make a web site that is centralized around "Lois & Clark".

 Click on the caption to open numerous pictures.
 (This part of the site is not operational yet, but it will be shortly.
However to keep you busy I have put up a link to another good site.)
Click on the quotes to download.
Theme Song: Midi format, if you would like the wav version E-mail me and I can send it.  11 KB
Tempus:  "The amish are not your friends, they are anti John Doe.  Boycott their quilts their over priced and the workmanship is shotty anyway.  Oh, and John Doe is a darn nice guy." 154 KB
Lois & Clark: Clark, "I did get things out in the open starting with will you marry me!"  Lois, "No I got things out in the open starting with, you are Superman!"  Clark, "A little louder I don't think they heard you in Gotham City!"  Lois, "Speaking of which when were you planning on telling me?  The honeymoon?  Our first anniversary?  When the kids started flying around the house?!  Clark, "First I needed to know that you would marry me.  Not Superman not his powers.  Just me, Clark.  I needed to know that okay.  Then I was going to tell you everything." 168 KB
Song:  S On Your Chest 653 KB
REM:  "Superman" 75 KB
Lois: "And one other thing, you are not working with me you are working for me.  I call the shots I ask the questions.  You are low man, I am top banana." 60 KB
Lois: "Don't fall for me farmboy, I don't have time for it." 27 KB
Lois: "I said nine I though you'd be naked, mm ready."  30 KB

Cookie's Lois & Clark Page

The Ultimate, Definitive, Guide to Clark Kent's ties!

L&C Metropolis Place

The DCFC home page
Lois and Clark Quotes Page

Lois and Clark
Naomi's and Amanda's Superpage !

NETropolis - The Lois and Clark Homepage
Superman Homepage! 


 This site still has much work ahead of it.
However if you have any comments please feel free to E-Mail me.
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