
This page is here for the sole purpose of saying "Thank You" to all the people who helped me out, be it with advice, suggestions, graphics, or just having free things available at their sites.

I would first like to say Thank you to Tom and Erik Setzer. More than anyone else, they have helped me get this site started. They have provided information, technical support, and humble opinions which have helped me greatly. Thank you both very much.

Next, I would like to Thank Netscape for creating Navigator Gold. I don't know if I would have been able to create these pages without it.

Geocities, Thank you for providing a place on the web where people like myself can put up sites like this.

Pat and Vicki, aka Orion-kin and Skavenwolf, Thank you for providing me with the links that you did. They led me to sites where I could get some of the graphics that are used on this site.

Sandi from Sandi's Celtic Graphics, thank you for the mazes that you provide as free clip art on the web.

Richard Fraser, Thank you for providing free Celtic Knot clip art. Yours was one of the first clip art sites I found.

If you have done something to help me out and don't see your name here, let me know at the address below. I don't want to leave anyone out.

If you have comments or suggestions, email me at

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