The Fab'Rini

Originating on the planet of Manu in the Kostalarian star system, the Fab'Rini evolved from tropical avians of the equatorial jungles. The body, head, and wings are all covered with down or feathers, and the mouth is a variety of shaped beaks. Bright brown eyes as well as an intelligent, sharp mind give testimony to the power of this "bird."

The dominant plumage coloring is a royal or dark blue, usually with a sky-blue, yellow, or brownish underbelly. However, there is a moderate number of individuals with flambouant red, green, or black plumage. The Fab'Rini stand on two legs exactly as a bird would stand. It's knees are in actuality it's ankles.

Early in their history and today, the Fab'Rini nested in trees. Often, small bands of five or six families would come together and share a single tree, helping to raise eachother's young and gather food for everyone. These groups, or flocks, often travelled and migrated together.

Originating in the equatorial rainforests of the planet Manu, there were no times of hunger, or shortage of living space. Within only a few thousand years, the Fab'Rini had colonized every habitat from conifer forests to desert areas. Each Fab'Rini male will keep two, three, and at the very most five, mates in his tree. Each female will lay only one to two eggs. Long ago, simple nests led to many infant fatalities from falls and predators. With the onslaught of technology and space travel, incredibly sturdy homes are being built high in the canopies all over Manu. These many-roomed homes are built to keep the fragile eggs and the infant chicks safe.

The eggs were at one time incubated by both mother and father at all hours of the day and night. The females lay their eggs after being kept in their bodies for about 6-12 week. With technology, however, entire rooms in homes were giant heaters, keeping the eggs at optimum temperatures. Robotic arms turned the eggs whenever necessary, and heating and cooling pads were applied to every wall and floor in the nursery as necessary. The mother/father role in the hatching process has sharply declined in recent centuries, which leaves many experts startled. The eggs usually hatch after 1-3 months.

With all these advances, no robot or computer could raise the chick like it's parents. Eating mostly nuts, berries, fruit, insects, and small rodent-like animals called jukyt, the parents raise the chick or chicks. The chicks reach full maturity after 15 or 16 Kostolarian years.

The Fab'Rini believed in the deity Camike, the benevolent goddess of the rainforest at one time. However, today, galactic contact has led to converts to all galactic religions large and small. Everything from monotheistic to ancestor worship to nature worshippers can be found among the Fab'Rini.

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