The Gamzians

The Gamzians make their home on the planet Gamela in the Kriost System. This small sentient roughly resembles an ant-like insect. Having an exoskeleton, six legs, and antennae, the Gamzians make their homes underground. They live in social groups in underground caverns they excavate themselves. Each female can lay up to several million eggs in her lifetime.

The Gamzians live in social groups underground. Anywhere from two to several hundred families can share these burrows. These burrow's populations can range anywhere from a few hundred to well over a billion.

Because of their very small size, the planet Gamela has supported well over 134 billion Gamzians at one time in it's history. Today, however, Gamela supports in the neighborhood of only about 16 billion.

Because of their extremely small size (no more than six inches tall) and incredible intelligence, Gamzians are employed on almost every spacecraft in the Federation. Able to fit where no one else is able, they can repair almost anything. And since they are so small, their nests can be placed anywhere they choose on the ship, usually under the floors or in the walls.

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