The Murder of the High Clerist by Kyrill

The Rise of High Clerist Kyrill

Kyrill, the young idealistic only son of High Clerist Huj chafed under the tyrannical rule of his father. He had watched the capitol city spiral down into slums and ghettoes as his father and the nobles lived in apparently unending luxury.

One night the Clerist and his nobles as well as the Conclaves were dining in the Hall of the Ancestors, a giant open floor near the top of the High Clerist's Tower. Kyrill and his mother had secreted weapons into the chamber. Once all the nobles were drunk or sleepy, Kyrill and his mother systematically murdered every one of them. The weapon fire in the Tower caused a large crowd to gather at the base of the Tower. Kyrill shoved his father from the Hall into the crowd below, where his body was torn to pieces.

Kyrill took the throne of the High Clerist. His sweeping reforms led the Coalition into the Modern Era. He established contact with Omnet and the Greater Galaxy. The Coalition's quality of life sky rocketed, and the population quadrupled during his 106 year reign before he himself befell his father's fate.

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