Awards Won by Voyager at Warp

The awards are placed in order they were received, and are accompanied by the message that was sent with.

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"CONGRATULATION'S. . . You have won Paul's favourite links award."

"Congratulation's! You are the winner of Doug's homepage of excellence award! You have won because your site is unique, well designed, and it is obvious that you have put a lot of hard work into your site."

"Congratulation's, you've won Avenfer III's Design Award of Excellence. . ."

"Hi and congratulation's, you have won Jim's wicked site award. . ."

"Hi Danny, I was verry impressed by all the hard work you have put into your site, I have to congratulaate you on a wonderful achivement in web design. I would like to extend my congratulation's on producing a very visually appealing and interesting web site dedicated to the star trek series for all your visitors to enjoy and benefit from, an excellent addition to the web. . ."

"Congratulation's, you've won the cutting edge award. . ."

"Congratulation's, you've won Maverick's  bronze award in web design excellence. . ."