Plot a course for the wormhole...
Nog: Yes sir. Course plotted and engaged. 20 seconds to the wormhole.
O'Brien: Verteron particles increasing.
Nog: Entering the wormhole, sir.
You see a quick flash as the wormhole blossoms. The Defiant enters into the brilliant pipeline filled with flashes of light and swirling patterns.
Odo: Commander, you do realize that the Jem'Hadar will know that we are here the instant the wormhole opens.
Kira: If they don't already know, that is.
Hennessey: Starfleet was planning on resistance, and that's why we're taking the Defiant. The Jem'Hadar are bound to show up one way or another, so we just have to be ready when they do.
O'Brien: Defensive and Offensive systems are all running at peak performance.
Nog: We're nearing the Gamma Quadrant.
Hennessey: All hands, yellow alert. We have to be ready for anything.
Another bright flash on the view screen as the wormhole opens and the Defiant emerges in the Idran system, 70,000 light years from Bajoran space and Deep Space Nine.
Kira: Commander, there is no apparent Dominion activity within sensor range.
Hennessey: To be on the safe side, raise the shields. Chief O'Brien, begin scanning for any type of subspace activity. From the Starfleet reports, it doesn't look like these bouys could be functioning on their own, transmitting through the wormhole. There must be some central subspace relay station in the area to boost the signals.
O'Brien: I'll begin a full scan of the area. It might be helpful if I could get some good readings on one of those bouys.
Hennessey: Agreed. Ensign, locate the nearest bouy and plot a course.
Nog: Yes sir. It looks like the closest of the known bouys is approxamately 1.8 lightyears from our current position.
Hennessey: Warp 9, en...
Nog: Sir, what about the cloaking device? Don't you think it would be a good idea to use it?
You're right, Ensign. Cloak and engage at warp 6.
I don't think so, Ensign. The cloak hasn't proven effective with the Dominion in the past. Engage at warp 9.