Home Of The King Of The Potato People

Visitors to the Potato Palace

I hope your magic carpet has landed safely

Now you can browse around my home, mostly devoted to Red Dwarf

My pages are still in their early stages, more will be added very soon, so keep 
stopping by to see if ive updated them - theres loads more stuff for me to put on!!
In the mean time if you have any ideas on anything i could include in my site then please e-mail me. 

[ Sorry people - things are moving slowly in the Potato Palace web page development sector, gimme some more time and this site will kick spud. In the mean time has ANYONE got any ideas on things i could include? This site needs to be different from all the other rd pages! otherwise things start to get a little repetitive!!! ]

I will update this page within the next month - that is a promise. You have been warned


E-Mail The King


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All original work within my pages is Copyrighted by me (C). Some of the 
contents of this page has been taken off of other pages on the internet - 
if i am breaching any Copyright laws then please let me know and i will 
remove the said piece.
Thanks to D_Lister for insignificant contributions. 
Red Dwarf is copyright Grant Naylor Productions and BBC Television (c) 1998.
Please e-mail me if you have any ideas on how i could improve my pages, if
you like/dislike my pages, have spotted spelling mistakes, have any 
questions about Red Dwarf or if there is somthing wrong with my pages.

What are youdoing down here ?