The Gloorootoos as was said, don't have eyes neither mouth, instead on the green top part of their body, they have hundreds of photoreceivers (fotoreceptores, in the figure, see link) with lenses, connected with the brain, whose bases recive the projected images, in low resolution, but the whole images together , create an image with very high resolution (like 1000 times the eagle vision), and in 3d, with a very high level of volume, and in a spherical range, yes, they can see from the back, sides, front and top
They don't have mouth, but they can sing, the way to make sounds is using the sounding cones (see Diagram), they can produce any kind of sound, even the human voice. These cones have double function, because in the early stage, they work like ears, of course they can ear in multistereo, having a special vastness sense
Diagram of the green top part of their body showing the photoreceivers (fotoreceptores) and the sounding cones (conos sonoros)
The Gloorootoos can sing in multistereo too, 'cause every cone are independent from the others, and they can reproduce any sound... then with a hard study, they can "sing" a simphony...!