
Yvonne Yvonne is tall, dour and thin, with long dark brown hair and blue eyes. In the Trump she wears full plate mail. In one hand she carries a long, wedge-shaped sword. She glares at you.

Yvonne is clearly Benedict's sister. It is not a surprise to learn she is his elder sister, either. She seems to be of the opinion that he, and all other Amberites, are children who need to be kept in line. Not that she'll express that openly. It just seems to be the general trend of her comments, the implied suggestion of her remarks. Perhaps it's her martial reputation that has fended off open complaint.

Unlike Benedict, Yvonne is known for having a sense of humour. Not that she laughs, or even smiles. Her sense of humour is quirky, to say the least, and involves practical jokes. Even before she arrived in Amber, Sand's commands had the servants running around the castle looking for Yvonne because someone had left an ant's nest in her bed.

Yvonne's ability with a sword has not been tested since PatternFall, but rumour, bearing and clothing indicate that she is experienced with it.

Certainly she has other abilities as well. She is constructing something tall in the gardens that is rumoured to possess magical powers. Apparently some of the other Amberites are not too pleased that she has begun this project without consulting them.

Yvonne and Benedict had two brothers, between them in age. Osric and Finndo died in battle millenia ago.

If Yvonne is Benedict's elder sister, that makes her Oberon's eldest child, since Cymnea was his first wife. How all this bears on her attitude to the throne is unclear.

Tuesday, August 19, 1997
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