A Shadow shall fall over the Universe, and Evil will grow in its path, and Death will come from the skies.....

So begins an animation cult classic. The story begins with a shuttle flying through space towards Earth. Upon achieving orbit, it opens its bay doors and a car drops out, the pilot guiding the thing for a landing. He proceeds to his home where his daughter is waiting for him to come home. After asking what he had brought home for her, he opens up the container he has brought with him. The green globe intensifies its glow and kills the guy on the spot, and corners the poor kid in the corner, and begins to tell its tales of evil to her.....

Harry Canyon

This story opens up with a mining company digging up the green glowing ball, known as the Loc-Nar, in one of the pits. One of the mining grunts makes the mistake of picking it up, because it kills him.
Enter Harry, a New York cab driver. He has just zapped a guy trying to rob him when he sees a young lady being chased by some thugs. It turns out that her father was involved in the mining company that found the Loc-Nar, and now someone wants to get a hold of the thing. Eventually, she spends the night with Harry.
Harry wakes up the next morning to find her gone and a couple of cops asking where she was. He tells them he has no idea what they are talking about. After he gets rid of them, he's get back to his job. While driving around, he gets a message to meet her at the Statue of Liberty. He picks her and the Loc-Nar up and takes them to meet the 'investors' who want to buy it. They make the exchange and drive off. Thinking that they were going to split the money, Harry is suprised when she pulls a weapon on him. He has no choice but to zap her, leaving the money with him. Back at the meeting palce, the Loc-Nar naturally kills the 'investor', and continues to the next story.....

Pictures from Harry Canyon

The mystery lady
Harry with the mystery lady in the back seat
Shot of Harry in is taxi after the mystery lady passes out
Front shot of Harry's cab
The mystery lady has a gun


This one starts off with a geeky kid finding the Loc-Nar in his yard. He thinks it might be a meteorite and brings it up to his room. He sets it aside to look at later--he had an experiment in electricity to run, and there's a storm coming. There is a surge of power in his equipment--helped along by the Loc-Nar--and he is transported to another world.
Finding he has a new body, he sets out to see where he's at. He quickly finds he is high above a ceremonial sacrifical site, and there is a ritual in progress. After the participants have finished chanting 'Ulatek', a young lady is thrown in the pool. Den jumps in and saves her life. The woman thanks Den for saving her life and offers a 'reward' for doing so, since she has no money on her.
As they are in the middle of a passionate embrace, patrolmen from a rival cult captures them. Den is recruted by their leader, Ard, to capture the Loc-Nar from the Queen of the first cult. Aided by Narl and a few others, he manages to get into the chamber where it is being kept. Unfortnately, Den gets captured and has to 'satisfy' the Queen. He does so, but soon after the guards inform the Queen that the Loc-Nar has been stolen. The Queen accuses Den of diverting her attention while his friends steal the Loc-Nar and is to be executed. Hearing that he will be killed, he fights his way free and manages to escape, returning to where Ard's cult lives, only to find the girl he rescued once before is doomed to be the sacrifice once again. Naturally, he manages to save her, and in the ensuing fight, both of the cult leaders are fighting it out over the coveted Loc-Nar as a storm brews.
Remebering his fated experiment back home, Den grabs a spear, wraps some chain around it and throws it, embedding it in the stonework just above the heads of the fighting cult leaders. With everyone watching, they are zapped by lighting and energy from the Loc-Nar, sending them to parts unknown. Den and the young lady fly off to start a new life together, leaving the Loc-Nar behind. The Loc-Nar then travels to another place.....

No pictures from this story as of yet.

Captain Sternn

The Loc-Nar rolls along a corridor on a space station, dwindling to the size of a marble, and stops glowing. Moments later, someone picks it up and puts into his pocket. In another part of the space sation, the trial of Captain Lincoln F. Sternn is just starting.
The judge finally quiets his courtroom down. The charges against Captain Sternn are read aloud as the people in the courtroom look on.
He is charged with:

The Captain pleads not gulty to the shock of the courtroom and his lawyer, casually dusting off his shoulder and walks back to his seat.
He tells his freaking lawyer not to worry, he's got an angle--Hanover Fist. Hanover Fist has just been called to the stand, and is shyly telling the court what a wonderful and misunderstood person the Captain is. As he is doing this, he is playing with his new 'marble'. It glows slightly, and Hanover slowly looses his control. He shifts between praise and horror stories of the Captain, eventually turning into a raging mass of muscle at the though of the Captain and the crimes he has done. The Captain is beginning to worry.
As the people in the courtroom begin to scatter, a little eyeball robot appears, guiding Captain Sternn out of the room to find a hiding place. He finally eludes Fist, hiding in a dark corridor. As Sternn is catching his breath, Hanover Fist finds him there. Sternn clamly gives him the rest of the money, right before he opens the hatch that spills the now normal sized Fist out into space. The hand holding the Loc-Nar carries it to its next destination......

Pictures of the trial of Captain Sternn

The courtroom crowd looks on as the charges are read
Sternn dusting off his shoulder
Sternn seeing Hanover getting angry
Hanover has a breaking out party


The next story opens up during a war. A bomber is behind enemy lines looking for its target and is under attack. They successfully bomb their target and are heading back to base, but most of the crew is shot dead in the firefight going on around them, leaving only the Captain and co-pilot alive. The co-pilot goes back to check on things, only to find everyone dead, and the Loc-Nar following them. The Loc-nar crashes into them scattering everything that isn't bolted down. As the co-pilot is returning to the flight deck, he finds that the dead crew has mysteriously vanished. He hears something in the belly gunner's hatch as he passes by it. He opens it up, and is unceremoniously hauled inside and killed by his dead crewmate. Meanwhile, the captain wonders what is taking so long and proceeds to go back to have a look. He opens the door, only to find that his crew has been transformed into monsters. He quickly shuts and locks the door, puts on a chute, and bails out. He lands on an island with an extreme amount of aircraft wreckages scattered about. As he explores, he comes across more of the same kind of monster he encountered on board he craft. The captain realizes there is no escape from his fate now.....

Pictures from B-17

One of the 'crew'

So Beautiful and So Dangerous
This opens up on a very pale, skinny man pushing past reporters to get to a very important Congressional meeting. It has been called to try and find out the cause of some recent unusal illnesses in the immediate area. As the sickly man explains that it has nothing to do with aliens, he notices a necklace worn by the stenographer. He goes nuts and tries to go after the necklace....just about the time he and the stenographer are sucked up into the space ship.
The skinny little man turns out to be a robot under the control of another robot, who is captain of the ship. The robot takes the stenographer back to his room and they eventually have sex.

The rest of this story involves the robot and the stenographer talking about marriage and the two pilots snorting Nyborg and trying to guide the ship into port stoned out of their minds, as the Loc-Nar proceeds to tell its final story to the frightened young girl.....

Pictures from So Beautiful....

The smiley face ship
Gloria the stenographer
Zeke distributing the Nyborg


Note: Anyone playing the game of Body Count In Heavy Metal should be at about 18 right now. This last story makes it go through the roof. Lots of killing in this one.

The Loc-Nar travels through the sky of another world, being observed by a very large group of people in the desert. It eventually lands in a mountain, turning it into a volcano. It erupts some very noxious green fluid, which quickly flows out and covers everything in its path, including the large group of people. The green glowing goop transforms them into evil creatures bent on destroying everyone opposing them. The very large group eventually organize and attack a near-by Castle, killing everyone in sight as they head to the main chamber. The Elder and his staff do the only thing they can---summon the last of the Tarakian race to help defend them.
The scene changes from one of mass destruction to a very long flying scene. Unless you like seeing stuff like this, this is a good time to run to use the bathroom or grab some snacks. Anyway, after all the flying is done, the last Tarakian reveals her face and gets dressed before boarding her bird and goes off to the rescue.
She eventaully arrives at the Castle, but it's way too late. Everyone has been killed very painfully dead. Seeing there is little to do there, she heads off in search of the killers.
She arrives at a tavern at the edge of the Castle's town, and comes across three of the merry band of killers. As they try and start something, she proceeds to whack their heads off with her sword. Without saying anything, she asks the barkeep where the rest of them are. He tells her, and she is off again.
As she approaches the area, her and her bird are captured in a net. She is found out that she is a Tarakian and is immediately lashed with a whip. As she comes to, she finds herself on a ledge near the top of a bottomless pit with her bird about to be killed. The bird manages to break free and get her out of the pit. They eventually land near the volcano, and are almost immediately surrounded.
The leader of the merry band of murderers and the Tarakian begin a fight to the death. After a couple of minutes, the Tarakian is in bad shape. She has been hit a couple of times and is beginning to bleed badly. She is about to be finished off when the bird bites the leader's ankle, distracting him long enough for the Tarakian to turn the tables on the leader and kill him. Knowing what is causing the volcano to erupt, she knows that she must then sacrifice herself to break the chain of Evil.
As Taarna and the bird dive into the volcano, the Loc-Nar starts to crack and vibrate. The terrified girl that has been held in the corner to watch all of this runs out of the house just before it explodes. As she picks herself up, she looks around. Her dad has been killed, and there is nothing left of the house. She notices that there is a sound coming from mid-air that is similar to that of the Tarakian's bird. Slowly, a similar bird appears and lands near her. She climbs on the bird and it flies away, and while flying away, she is changed into a young Tarakian.

Pictures from Taarna

Leader of the bad guys
Taarna and her bird flying
Close-up of Taarna
Another shot of Taarna and the bird
Another flying shot
Taarna fighting with the leader
The new Tarakian

Links to other sites on the Web

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The IMDB listing for Heavy Metal

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