The Series
                                                              Episode Seven
                                                          Diana visits Atlantis

Diana is curious about this new place she's never seen before so she enters and walks toward the Atlantian pyramids, uniformed men suddenly appear barring her way, the leader asks in a formal tone.
"Who are you, where do you come from, what are you doing on the King's sacred ground?"
Diana answers fluently.
"My name is Diana, I'm a visitor, I wish to speak with your king please."
The leader returns in an offensive tone.
"This is blasphemy against the King, for breaking this law you must go before the court, no one in Atlantis is allowed this privilege."
He raises his hand and motions the guards to take Diana away.
Diana has other ideas, passing her hand over her ruby-studded belt a bubble forms round her, she's suspended above the ground looking down on them.
Diana says.
"Please take me to King Ares I will wait no longer."
The leader draws a pistol and points it at Diana, a beam of white hot energy hits the bubble, the others draw similar weapons, there's a barrage of beams hitting the bubble, Diana has had enough, looking at the pyramids and placing her hand over her belt, she points toward the massive structures, they lift off their bases and then return to the ground, she pleads with them.
"Will you please take me to King Ares."
The guards are staggered, the leader babbles.
"This must be an illusion no one can do this!"
Diana steps out of the bubble still standing above them.
"Please I mean you no harm, it's of the greatest importance that I speak with your King as soon as possible."
The King's guards have seen Diana lift pyramids off their bases by pointing at them yet they are still not convinced, they turn their lasers back on her again, the beams of energy appear to travel in slow motion, reaching out and returning to their source, the weapons glow white hot, the leaders of the group are vaporized!
Diana was now being escorted to the King of Atlantis in a round transparent craft, seating for the passengers was arranged outwards facing a completely transparent circular area, there was a center console for the pilot on the transparent floor of the craft, it rose noiselessly into the clear Martian air moving off at speed.
Diana looks down as they speed along thinking how beautiful this place is with it's high mountain ranges, the pyramids of copper glowing golden in the sunlight, the stone buildings, the gardens and forests with rivers and waterways, other craft taking off from various places, then she saw the most magnificent structure ever built on Atlantis.
A gigantic complex lay before them as far as the eye could see, high marble arches and columns, copper pillars, gold and silver statues, ornamental trees, flowers, ponds with exotic fish and waterfalls everywhere.
The complex was triangular in shape with a huge golden pyramid in the center, an enormous monolith towering above the triangle.
The roof of the complex was a mixture of copper and gold, glinting in the light of the pale blue sun, the sky a pastel yellow almost matching Diana's butterfly ear-rings.
The guards ushered Diana into a great hall, on the walls were multi-colored murals continually changing shape and color in a living art form.
Massive golden doors opened in front of Diana, she steps through the doorway onto a moving footpath that runs into the complex, then more golden doors until Diana finds herself in a beautiful garden with exotic birds.
Further on there were ornamental swimming pools with pretty little Atlantian children splashing around with Atlantian ladies in attendance.
This area was domed with a crystalline lattice, pale yellow light filtered through with a tinge of green in it, Diana walks to another pair of golden doors which open immediately, this was the entrance to the PYRAMID.
Once inside the structure it was only a matter of ascending many levels which were shaped in the form of a SPIRAL and there it was, the last door.
Diana places her hand on a huge emerald, the door moves inwards allowing Diana to enter.
King ARES had been revered for thousands of years he was an immortal because at the end of every life cycle of two hundred years his memory and intelligence was TRANSFERRED to a CLONE, this was the year 20.000B.C. in EARTH time, the Atlantians were supreme rulers of this SOLAR SYSTEM, they used PYRAMID ENERGY to power their planet their space ships and their cities, ATLANTIS had everything to live for.

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