About Me


Belly Dance Events

Weight Issues

Yahoo! 360


Once again I have taken a foray into the world of WebPages. On this site I hope to have up various topics of interest to me.

Mmmmm good One of those interests is Belly Dancing or Raqs Sharqui or Danse du Venture or Middle Eastern Dance, whatever you wish to call it. I�m hoping to have a good listing that I can update of various belly dancing activities that happen in Michigan, Windsor and Northern Ohio. If you have an event scheduled, whether hafla, concert, contest, workshop, or are a teacher, please contact me with the dates, times and contact information so that I can plaster it on my site!

Another of those interests is losing weight with the help of Weight Watchers. As a means of accountability, I�ll be posting my progress and epiphanies throughout my journey.

Also, this webpage will be a kind of trial run for the one I�m working on for my instructor so more than likely I�ll be messing with schemes and layouts so it may very well not look the same way twice as I get more proficient with HTML and PhotoShop.



UPDATE 8/3/05

So, I now have a Yahoo 360 page which has some basic information and a blog on it. Just one more thing for me to sink my time into but I'll probably be updating it much faster than this page. Its at the link on the side.


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