Now that I've figured out how to make yellow again I'm going to take my shoes off. So I've been noticing that there's a lot of people dying recently. Somebody shot this guy or that girl for this reason or that reason. Here's a little piece of advice: STOP KILLING PEOPLE!!!! Yes I know we're all stressed out. There's racial tension and religious tension. There's everyday stress that nobody can avoid. It seems like everybody has an attitude doesn't it? Well that's because they do. And you do too. And so do I. The difference between me and the guy who shot up a bunch of Jewish children is that no.1 I don't kill people and no.2 I learned to take it easy. Here's a hint for all you teenagers through mid twenties people. Chill. You are not the King of all badasses. Nor do you need to be. Nor is it impressive. There is no need to shoot me, or anyone else for that matter. Also, stop trying so hard. You are most likely a likable fellow if you would just quit trying to beat every other person's ass. Girl's, I know it seems like you get a lot of shit. Guess what, you do. But the point is, part of it is your fault. As mentioned above, don't try so hard. You don't have to starve yourself to get a man. There are plenty to go around. Secondly, if a guy hits you, leave. There are, as priorly stated, plenty of guys in the world. Speaking of which, guys, don't hit women. Also show them a little respect, calling a girl a bitch usually does not curry her favor. Girls do not need to be supermodel twigs to be attractive, nor should you guys think that they do. Nor should you girls expect to look airbrushed. Is anyone beginning to see the pattern here? All you inner city thugs, put those damn glocks down. No one respects you for your gun. They just don't want to get shot to death. Down on your luck, can't get a job, man holding you down? I know none of this is your fault but waving guns around and proclaiming yourself the resurrection of the mafia does not help. Politicians take note, quit being so greedy. Also, stop trying to help other countries when people living in our own cities cant get proper housing or sustenace. To everybody, don't be so lazy, especially you welfare loafers. Get a job. Farmers, quit whining about your subsidies. Keep up with the competitive market so milk doesnt cost four dollars a gallon. Anybody thinking about killing someone? Don't. See how easy that is? Wearing someone elses name on your shoes, pants, shirt, socks, hat, and belt does not make you cool. Try being a little less antagonistic to achieve your likablility. if your at the mall and you see a guy with purple hair, don't feel obligedto make comments on how stupid he looks to all your friends. Purple haired people, don't judge your peers to be stupid and trendy becase every part of their attire has some designers name on it. Final note to all of you, smile. Smile at people when they look at you. Dont scowl as if they had just urinated on your shoes. they are most likely trying to see where they are going so that some guntoking suburban tommy geared ultraprick doesnt bust a cap in their ass. Don't make fun of ugly people, they didnt choose to be ugly and most likely they are pretty nice people.

To all of you who read this page: you are most likely not the people that this is intended for. Yes I am biased, I don't like rich people because they are pricks. No this is not a true assessment of them because no class of people can be summed up so succinctly. I am biased however, I realize it and try not to let myself be guided by my initial reactions. Some of you may think that ugly people should not be mentioned as it is currently favorable to say that no one is ugly and that physical beauty doesn't matter. This is wrong. Ugly people do exist. Physical beauty does matter. It is not, however, all important. Once again, smile.