ERB Dum-Dum 99!

No Tara, But Disney's Tarzan!

"Black", the Beast of Tarak.

L.A Not-so-confidentlal.

This is the Mall across the street. Well, since it was that close I regard it as on-topic. Plus, we ate there.



Under the pale light of Goro two warriors stood. One was a giant with a shock of black hair. The other a tawny-haired barbarian. Thunder boomed. Lightning flashed. The two beasts stood innured to the terror of the night.






This is the daughter and grandson of Elmo Lincoln himself, the first Tarzan, glaring at me. Whew.


Quick is the shutter speed, but Tarak and Mike are like lightning when they move. Still feeling the special effects of Phantom Menace and Tarzan.


For this one, to realize one of my fantasies, I had to hand out some personas. From left to right, Tara of Helium (China-li)(and that's quite an honor, you know); Dejah Thoris (Sue-on); Tarak/Tavane; and Llana of Gathol (Edie). Thus, for one brief moment, I had them all in my embrace! Whew!








And one final memento of Dum-Dum 99!

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Copyright 1998 by Robert A. Woodley. All rights reserved worldwide.