All savage carnivores need bloody meat, and lots of it, even to the exclusion of other, less savage food. (Well, maybe not instant pudding). I don't see him as all that active, though. Tarzan, in my view, liked to take it easy, on those occasions when he wasn't whipping through the terraces in a pout over some blonde.

All great carnivores are pretty lazy. Numa sleeps for twenty hours a day, or something, and Tarzan could certainly kill with the best of them.

Compare these Earth carnivores with those buzzy Barsoomians, who need multiple appendages to get all their work done, even though they have a thousand years to do it in. They can't seem to sit still for a minute; always thinking about war, kidnapping, extortion, enslaving entire races, hurling massive airborne fleets into battle for the sake of princesses (well, okay, maybe for some princesses this would be okay), creating new, ever-growing life from vats which never seems to rest. It's no wonder they don't have time to have kids, and just lay eggs.

While Tarzan reclines lazily in some comfortable fork in a tree, a hundred feet in the air, chatting with N'kima, JC is fidgeting in his palace, tapping his sword on his knee, impatient for the next bloody encounter with whatever city might have dire plans for his princess, and looking forward to extending his own brand of negotiation into the fray.

It wouldn't surprise me if ape-men and barbarians get more sack time in seventy years than Barsoomians get in a thousand, even assuming they survive the peace offerings of Helium's finest. Not only that, I bet they consume bast portions of ochre vegetation in bowls with croutons and sauce, and this may be one of their major problems up there.

Tarak, give me blood or give me sleep