For any character to enter the RPG, you need to generate some ability scores, otherwise known as statistics and often abbreviated as stats. This page will give you the information necessary to fill out the stats in the Join Form. Hopefully you won't find this too confusing...
Well, let's start with the basics. In Um, there are six main ability scores. These are Strength (STR), Intelligence (INT), Wisdom (WIS), Dexterity (DEX), Constitution (CON), and Luck (LUK).
STRENGTH is a character's ability to use his/her/its muscles efficiently. It affects the amount of damage inflicted, chance to hit, and things to do with physical strength such as breaking down doors or lifting weights.
INTELLIGENCE can be summarized as reasoning ability and knowledge. It affects magical ability and learning ability.
WISDOM is commom sense and understanding of the world. It also affects magical ability, and piety or a bond with a deity (if the character wants one).
DEXTERITY is the character's nimbleness and grace. It affects how easy it is for others to hit the character and how well the character can aim missile weapons.
CONSTITUTION is that character's fortitude and physical health. It affects a character's ability to survive being injured.
LUCK is just plainly luck.
To generate each of these six ability scores, a player rolls 5d20 (that is, 5 20-sided dice) and totals the results. If it is higher than 75, you must discard and re-roll, if it is below 50 you may discard and re-roll. The average of the results of these rolls (i.e. the resulting total divided by five) is your luck score. Allocate the total to your ability scores, so that the total of the first five ability scores equals the total of the dice rolls. Ability scores above 20 or below 1 are not allowed (it would mean that the character is either superhuman or dead).
Adventuring Scores
There are four scores that a character will use in their adventures to represent how well he/she/it is faring. These are Hit Points (HP), Spell Points (SP), Attack (ATK), and Defense (DFS).
HIT POINTS represent your character's ability to survive injuries and their general state of well-being.
SPELL POINTS are the character's reserve of magical power, representing how much magic and in how fast succession the charater can cast spells or use magical abilities.
To obtain HP and SP, a character is allocated 8d6 (that's 8 6-sided dice) to split between HP and SP as he/she/it sees fit. Note that a player must decide how many dice to allocate to each score before rolling the dice. For example, a character who is a mighty warrior may choose to allocate 6d6 to HP and 2d6 to SP, and then roll the dice. Or, a character who wants to be a powerful wizard may choose to allocate 3d6 to HP and 5d6 to SP, and then roll.
Note that re-rolls of certain scores are allowed: if a "1" is rolled, then that dice may be rolled again, until it displays a 2 or higher. If a "2" is rolled (a "2" after a "1" is allowed), then it may be re-rolled, but only once. So if you roll a "2" and decide to re-roll that dice, and end up with a "1", then there are no more re-rolls for that dice.
ATTACK score reflects how easy it is for a character to hit a target by physical means.
DEFENSE represents how hard it is for others to hit your character.
ATK and DFS are determined by rolling a 4-sided dice for each and adding 8 to that score. A character aiming to be a warrior may re-roll any "1"s that they get, and a character who will rely heavily on magic must re-roll any "4"s that they obtain.
For example, Barf the Shaman rolls a "4" for ATK and a "2" for DFS. Since Barf is a shaman, and will rely heavily on magic, he must re-roll the "4", and when he does so he gets a "2". So his ATK is now 10 and his DFS is also 10.
Once you have obtained the ability scores, fill them out on the Join Form. When your form is processed, some of these scores will be adjusted and you will be notified of the changes. Sound okay?
E-mail the GamesMaster if you are still confused.
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