NOW are you satisfied?

Actually, this most "recent" photo is five years old. But then I only look like that when I put make up on with a trowel anyway...

Obligatory (read: boring) datum about me, myself and I. I graduated from the hallowed halls of Southern Senior High in 1996. In the spring of 1998, I graduated from Anne Arundel Community College (one of the ten best CCs in the USA) with my A.A., and am now in my Junior year at the University of Maryland College Park. I am worrying my way through the English program. Since I didn't make it into Creative Writing (*sob*/*gnash teeth*), I've decided to take advantage of the opportunity and concenrate on Mythology and Folklore instead. Fun fun fun fun fun! I was going to use those classes as my elective credits, now I get to take as many as I can stand! Happy happy joy joy, happy happy joy joy... *dances a happy little dance* I'm happy, can you tell? *grin*

My Studies in Mythology class was a lot of fun. We read the Kalevala (a Finnish work), the Dine Bahane (Navajo), the Mabinogi (Welsh), the Poetic Edda (Norse) and the Bible. Reading the Bible in this class was very hard for me though, since it requires taking an outside, completely scholarly view of something that I hold sacred.

This semester I've got 2 Mythology/Folklore classes: Arthurian Legends and Folksong and Ballad. Fs/B isn't what I thought it was, but I'm having a pretty good time anyway. I love my AL class though. It's the same professor who taught Studies in Mythology, Professor Verlyn Flieger. If I grow up to be a professor, I want to be her. The legends themselves are pretty interesting. I have come to the conclusion that all of the Arthur stories that we know are the result of fanfiction. I'm serious. The tale of Lancelot and Guinevere (that ruins the story in my opinion) was written around 1170 by Chretién de Troyes, at the request of Marie de Champagné.

What am I doing at College Park? Having a pretty good time! I finally got a dorm, and I am so happy! My roommate, Christy, is really great. I'm a member of Terrapin Anime Society. This is a fun bunch of people. ^_^ I also (erk) administer 3 webpages, this one, the Rayek Admiration Society for Humands, and the Wayfarer Holt. I built a completely new homepage for the Holt, actually. It was fun using Java applets and image maps. I'm proud of me!

Hey, if you also go to UMCP and (a) have any info for me about an ElfQuest group there or (b) would like to discuss starting one, email me!

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