Disneyland Paris Photos

Ghislain Vanhove sent me these first five shots. If you would like to view more, stop by his Disnyland Paris site : http://users.skynet.be/guig

Above: Something not seen in Florida - Ice Sculptures

Left: Sleeping Beauty's Castle

Above: Overlooking Alice's Labyrinth and Fantasyland.

Right: Mickey and well wrapped up guest - this definitely is not Orlando or LA!

Night-time in Discoveryland.

And now a few snaps from my visit to the Parisian park.

Left: An X-Wing fighter bears down on Space Mountain.
Below Left: The Jules Veresque airship outside Videopolis.
Below Right: Orbitron

A couple of spots in Adventure Land

Left: The castle at the centre of the Labyrinth.
Above: The Castle, with artistic licence sky!


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