Searching for other interesting Xena and Gabrielle - sites on the net? Then you should try these links:


Tom's Xena Page

The ultimative Xena-Page on the net....Searching for sounds, pictures, themes or videos? Then your first step should take you here. This site also contains a message board and a virtual post-office.


The Medieval Tavern

Another great Xena-page, hosted by my friend Kalleasto. If you're searching for good Fan Fiction then this is the right place to go. She's an awesome writer. You can also add yourself to a mailing list (RECOMMENDED! THIS LIST IS JOXERFRIENDLY..EVERY XENASUBJECT ALLOWED)


Are you a Reneé O'Connor-fan? Searching for pictures and good video-clips? Then try this won't be dissapointed.

Amethyst's Xena page

This is a very good all-around-Xena-page with some good pictures and links to other Xena-related sites. Oh...and a few great polls on her site...

The official Reneé O'Connor fanclub

ROC's own fanclub which is run by her mother. It has some good pictures of Reneé, a newsletter and some letters from Reneé to her fans. Check it out!!!

The official International Bruce Campbell Fan Club

A must-see, if you are a Bruce Campbell - fan.....

The official Danielle Cormack Fan club

Here we have a good site about Ephiny...

The official Hudson Leick Fan Club

...and how could we forget a goddess. If you're more for the bad-guys like her, then you should take a look there.

Ted Raimi International Fan Club

...another good site devoted to Ted......

Kevin Smith Official Fan Club

(do I need to say more????)


(missed an Interview or the latest appearance of our heroes on TV....just go here and you'll find all you are looking for). A short while ago Dan posted a real good Xena & Gabrielle fourth season music video.....

Mary D's site

This is a great site, if you are looking for montages. They are really good. She also made the cover for the book "Lucy Lawless & Reneé O'Connor - Warrior Stars of Xena"

The Gabrielle Shrine

This is one of the best and funniests sites I have seen so far..really a great job. I recommend that you try the survey.

Aida's Xena WP Page

Another site you can't afford to miss on your travels to through the Xenaverse...lots of good high quality pics and other great stuff

 Ralf's Reneé O'Connor Homepage

A great looking german site devoted to ROC. You find a lot of good videoclips from former roles of ROC here. (they also have the video clip of the Gabrap)

 Dreamer's Montages

I believe most of you already heard of this page. This page is absolutely the best, if you're searching for Xena & Gabrielle - montages. A lot of the montages posted on K'Nerys site (which closed a few months ago) can be found here...all in all...HIGHLY recommendable

Carol's Xena multimedia Videos

Here you'll find lots of clips of some eps (also the new ones) plus a lot of teasers, interviews and other stuff....HIGHLY RECOMMENDABLE!!!



Please.....if one of these links is broken, please mail me at and I will fix it ASAP...thanks