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Clan News

Important Dates:   Mark your MacCalendars now for these important Clan Gatherings:

Weekends of 10/30 and 11/13 1999   Clan Members going to TRF
November 6, 1999   Clan Gathering at Raymond's
New Year's Eve    Clan Gathering 2KY at Raymond's
July 2000     Clan has been invited to the Mountain Man Gathering in New Mexico
Details to follow soon

The Clan has recently been seen in the vicinity of Hawkwood Ren Faire.

It is rumored that the Clan was involved in a revolt against the Constable at Hawkwood. Seems the Constable was guilty of abusing his power against members of the Clan, as well as being incapable of spelling the MacPolk Clan name correctly on an arrest warrant. The Clan made an appeal to the Sherriff who promptly de-frocked the Constable and tossed his arse in the hole. After several shouts for a hanging, the boisterous crowd finally settled for a public "fruiting".

Lark MacPolk has written a song to commemorate this milestone event in the History of the Clan...
Here is her song.  Click for the words and to hear the audio file:   Public Fruiting

Lark has also written a special original song for the Clan MacPolk.
Get the words and listen to A Song for Clan MacPolk

Rules of the Clan

Coming Soon

Clan Officers

Now on line.... click on the link

Clan Members

Coming Soon

Clan Toast

We are the Clan Macpolk,

 Our Amorous Lives are no Joke;

 Tell ye Lassies Real,

 We'll Make ye Squeal!

 Stroke! Baa! Stroke!

Clan Wenches' Toast

We are the Wenches MacPolk,

Our Amorous Lives are No Joke,

Our Lads they wear Kilts

We Feel with No Guilt,

Stroke By Stroke!!

More Interesting Toasts

Joining the Clan

Coming Soon

Contact Us

Contacts to the Clan MacPolk are handled via the Clan Herald Robert Mark or Lark MacPolk

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