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You are victim number
good luck getting out ALIVE
to fall into the shadows of no return,
Jason S. Carver
--A poet, also a very old friend of mine, I gave him his own poem page, click on his name to go to it
      I am still going to UCF on my way to getting a degree in Mathematics Education.  I will always miss high school, but I am enjoying my time at UCF.  It is an awesome school, with great people as well.  I have met lots of really cool new friends, this year will be awesome.

      Just to update everyone, I currently have two part-time jobs, and when the Fall Semester starts, I will still have those jobs on top of 15 credit hours of classes. BUT, my advisor and I have worked it out so that I can graduate in the Spring of 2007.  I have started playing the game World of Warcraft online, I don't get much time to play with my schedule, so leveling is slow.

        Soon I hope will will be getting some graphics, more pictures of me, some of my friends and maybe my cat, but 'til then, what you see is what you get.

     You can also find me on AIM, one of my screen names is WayBeforeLight, on Yahoo, my screen name is Jane1010, and on msn messanger it is Jeanette_h1010@hotmail.com.  I am usually at work an dunable to chat, but message me if you feel like it.

     I hope that you enjoy this site, and maybe e-mail me sometime,  it could be  fun.
As of: 8/15/2005
As of: 02/27/03
I made a new page, check it out.---->