I'm Prince Vampimpire~Welcome to my Mansion of Pleasure...

My girls and I are moving in, slowly but surely
I'll be adding music soon, as well.. Enjoy..

Take a look at some
of my lovelies...

My "still growing" Betty Page section

There is nudity in alot of art,
including some of the images here...
May not be suitable for children..
Some images may take
awhile to load. Be patient,
they're worth the wait..

Awards I've won..

Feel free to visit my other home..

Sign My Guestbook Guestbook by GuestWorld View My Guestbook

BTW, just a little FYI..
This is NOT a role playing
guestbook, I want to know about
the REAL you :-)
~Prince V~

This LesVampires site is owned by
Prince Vampimpire.

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