The Trekkie Fun and Games Page
Formerly "The Trekkie Trivia Quiz Page"
Updated Sept 2nd, 2003
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.... It's been roughly forever since I last updated this...... Actually, according to my note up above, it's only been a couple of years. (Oct 5, 2001)  It just seems like forever.

Part of it is that I realize that anything I have to say about Star Trek has already been said by dozens of other people. That's probably why I get absolutely no traffic here. I'm seriously considering converting to a World of Darkness rpg page.  I don't have much that's original to say about that either, but  I want to put up some ST help links, particularly links to chronicle and plotline ideas. I'm always looking for more ideas like that, and I imagine a lot of ST are, too.

Meanwhile, if you think this website is rather skimpy on content and/or you think what's here sucks, please send me some stuff to use!  The mail-to link is at the bottom of the page.  If you want to recommend a Star Trek game, please be advised that I only link to FREE games.

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Open Hailing Frequencies:
(links good as of 10-5-01)
The official Paramount site has game including Odo's Investigation, Namandra Corridor, and Treckers (hey, don't look at me that way, I didn't name it!)
The Federation Role-Playing Game (PBeM)
Beer Trek, the Star Trek Drinking Game.  Best played with synthehol. If you use real beer, please don't drink and fly!
Mad Dave's Star Trek Trivia