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The Poems written by The Princess Of Planet Jupiter would be me, Xenamakoto. The Poems Written by The Blackrose are copyrighted to the Blackrose.


By: The Princess Of the Planet Jupiter
The green forest speaks to me as I walk through, I hear the whispering voices of the of all the things around me. The things speak to me about many things and many remind me of you. I walk by a apple tree and take a apple thanking the tree for the fruit of life. I sit under it the cool shade and think to myself how great my life is now that I have found you. You have made me happy in many ways that I never knew, you've thaught me things I never thought I would be able to learn. You see me for who I am not what I look like. You treat me with respect and you are always fair. Your always kind and I love it when you make me laugh. We help each other out in more ways than one. I'll always remember our first kiss and the way we hug and care. If we ever become seperated or apart I want you to know you'll always be in my heart.


By:The Princess Of the Planet Jupiter
The dark hole surrounds me as I sit I suddenly fall.. Deeper and deeper I fall into the pit of dispair. I search for the meaning, of what some people call life, What is the meaning of life. In my opion there is no definition cause life doesn't exist. Life only exists if you belive in it. A lot of things seem to exist when they actually don't. Again I see that the darkness has surrounded me. The bitter darkeness makes me realize that my so called life is worthless and non existant. My life is pathetic and wrong not to mention out of control. For the last time the darkness has to surround me as the dark stain spreads across the rocks and the grainy sand also surrounds me. The red roses lay a top my black coffin, people dressed in black dresses and suits weep for me as I'm lowered into the ground. They would be crying even more if they knew what my life had been like. People say nothing is to bad in life to make it end. But I say what's the use of living. if you can't enjoy it. My life was redder and filled with more blackness than anyone else could of known. My grey gravestone says blessed be always and forever. Now I'm wandering around lost and forgotten realizing how bad my life was but that is far out of my mind, cause the fate of my afterlife is three times worst than all of my worst nightmares combined. Oh why did the fate of my life end in a worst pain than my life before it.


By: Black Rose
Torn and Battered
Heart filled with rage
My life has been shattered
At a very young age
In the dark alley
I sift through my thoughts
Hell falls upon me
While my soul rots
How did this happen?
Even God doesn't know
I've suffered and suffered
With nothing to show
Why am I here?
Me head has gone numb
I finally realize
That my time has come
All is now blurred-
I pass into the flames
My life sure as hell wasn't
Fun and games
And now it's all over
It's all in the past
Mine was a sould
That just didn't last.


By: Black Rose
Some say our souls are always wielding
Power to be forever healing
But we are all just burning up
In a world of hatred,
A world corrupt
The burning flesh
The raging fire
Minions sing
In demonic choir
Destruction is rampant
The religious have prayed
And only the believers
Have been saved
The killing is over
This world's expired
And even the souls
Of the dead are tired
The world, one rich
Buzzing all night and day
Is now void of life-
In a spiritual way.

I am

By the Black Rose

I am no more than dust and I fear not my passing. I wonder why we all are here. I hear a soft rumble in the distance. I see a soft light, glowing in the same distance. I want an explanation. I am no more than dust and I fear not my passing. I pretend that we are no more than a dream. I feel the drowsiness of the dreamer. I touch the dreamscape, but feel nothing at my fingertips. I worry that I will live too long. I cry at the thought that reality may consume us all. I am no more than dust and I fear not my passing. I understand that everything dies. I say that it is okay. I dream that it might get better. I try to repress the anger. I hope that I am wrong. I am no more than dust and I fear not my passing.

Never say....

By: The Princes Of Planet Jupiter

Never say I love you
If you don't really care
N ever talk of feelings
If they aren't really there
Never hold my hand
If you mean to break my heart
Never say forever
If you ever plan to part
Never look into my eyes
If you are telling me a lie
Never say hello
If you think you'll say goodbye
Never say that I'm THE one
If you dream of more than me
Never lock up my heart
If you don't have the key


By: The princess of Planet Jupiter
The tears fall form my eyes. The feeling I have is the worst I have ever felt. Everything that happens because of me why does everything have to be my fault. The world is taken by this all the time but why does everyone and everything have to happen to me nothing has ever gone good in my llife and when something does it breaks down my already fragile life span of the twisted remorse that I've already suffered. Hell has fallen over me and will not realease it's grip for anythiing. The dark cloud of blackness and death has crept upon me and will not be shaken no matter what I do. What the hell is wrong with me. The color of red and black mix together making my brain in my head turn round and round. The hatred has filled me no more happiness will come from my life. The gun is too loud the knife to bloody, the rope is not good enough. The sleep is the best way to go . The cyanide mixed with the tea of camolie.will soothe the aching tortured soul of oblivian. I hate the world, I hate the people in the world everyone has betrayed me. The life I once had is now gone I'm all alone. What's the point of being here if noone cares everyone I knew or ever known is gone so there's no point in me being here. My life is over the darkness is surrounding me good bye.


The dark sky above me feels like a dark afterlife that I've expienced before. The moon shines brightly and full. I put on my black robe and open my ears to listen. The sounds of the waves fill my ears. The heat of the flames warm my face. The earth is free and grand under my toes. The cool air makes me feel alive and well. I raise the knife in the air, Call the names as I've done before. "Hail the moon and the sun." "Hail the water pure and grand." "Hail the fire hot and symbolizes the horned god." "Hail the earth mother earth our great planet." "Hail the air sweet and clean." "Hail the mental openess and freedom." "Hail the physical state of openess." The circle is filled with energy and light. The power is at it's peak. I call out my final words the energy soars out toward my object of choice. The circle has now been open but it sure is not broken. The words have been spoken. Blessed Be now and forever my work here is done Now I leave it's time to go home.

"Places Title Here"

By:The Princess Of Planet Jupiter
The red rose like the love of my heart. The petals grow thick and large. It's behold the perfect thing just like you. But if ya think, there's no such thing as being perfect. You may act perfect to cover up your sinful ways but I'm not that blind and dumb. I see right through you playful anf hurtful games that tear my heart in two. In actuallity you just like a rose red with love and perfect on the outside. But on the outside there is also torns though nasty prickly things just like your ways. The rose that once red has now turned black, black as your soul. But I'm not me because I am not that's going to suffer taht will be you. Not me because Iam not the one whose soul is going to be eternally damned. I'm not the one who is blind, I'm not the one to have my soul set aflame by hell's light. That is you.

The World

By the princess of planet jupiter
The world filled with ocean blue and puffy white clouds. The birds sing and rejoice. The trees sway in the winds form the directions of all the points of the pentagram. The spirits of all here and gone dance around the hot blazing fires of there totured souls long before. Twisted and strange the worlds connected by the holy drink of water or blood. The blinding cursing sharp air suffocates all it touches for death is upon everything and anything because the creatures that can feel, see,hear, or smell can corrupt anything that is possibly existing. The moon's light shines through the dark blacknesss of the sky providing hope for the things that believe in such a thing. Hope is evil and has been lost and fogotten for a very long time. So why bother believing in anything. The world that was once beuatiful and grand has now turned into a dusty bleak world of lost and forgotten souls. The world has become a barren wasteland. Why do we let these creatures eat us alive


By: The princess of Planet Jupiter
The blood in veins are running cold. The chills are sent though me, the black frightening sky surounds me like my own fear. The fog surrounds me. The hand of some unexspected thing lands on my shoulder. The flowers of love and spring follow me around with sweet smells. I pick up a bright red rose. The thorns prick my finger. My blood runs black out of my body. Unexpected thoughts enter my head. The flame of darkness puts my soul aflame. Shame picks my sins apart. The green leaves blind me the sweet smell of the air suffocates me. The blue skies trouble me with misguided thoughts. I shake my head with my hands and yell as my soul is ripped from the secure place of my body. I sit frightened of this god forsaken place. Which god I don't know. By the fire and hell from ares. Swung over spikes and almost burned. This is the world as I see it. There's something wrong I can't place what it is exactly. I wonder why I am here being tortued when I don't have to be here. It's someone else 's turn to be ostrized and mutalated, go now and rid me of the black magic you have bestowed on me. The blinding light has sucked my soul dry. Help me for Iam falling falling falling I'm about to hit a black stoned bottom pit of dispair. Something light and comforting catches me. I feel happy and light. But Suddenly it let's go I have just hit rock bottom.

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