Ok creating a character can be difficult, especially for those who have never played or picked up a Shadowrun book before. The first table is the Master Character Creation Table as it appears in the Shadowrun rules book 2nd Edition or SRII as it is sometimes referred to.  The bottom  table is the Building Points Table, it's located in the Shadowrun Companion.  Some think this chart is easier to use for character creation, both work great I think, but ultimately the choice as to which you use lies with you. I hope this helps a little, there will be other tables and info within these pages to help you.  So create a character and have fun.

                                        Master Character Creation Table

Priority   Race             Magic                                             Attributes  Skills         Reso
     A        Metahuman    Human Magician-------------------      30 Pts   40 Pts     1,000,000yen/50
     B        Human           Human Adept/Metahuman Magician      24 Pts   30 Pts    400,000yen/35
     C        Human           Metahuman Adept-----------------       20 Pts   24 Pts    90,000yen/25
     D        Human           ------------------------------------       17 Pts   20 Pts    5,000yen/15
     E        Human           ------------------------------------       15 Pts   17 Pts    500yen/5