
     Hey all this is a little something to help when you first start to play with us.  It's certain symbols  we use to represent different actions we're doing. 
1. Use slashes---for speaking out of character
                ex:  ---that'll do it

2. Use >>> for speaking on the phone or on a comlink
                 ex:>>>where and when is this meet of yours
                     >>>stay low they're heading your way

3. Use " at the beginning and end of something your character says
                ex: "So what's the plan?"

4. Use /me to do show an action
                ex: /me smiles at the cute guy

And that is pretty much it for our protocol, not too much to know, but it makes it so much easier to understand.  If anyone can think of any other protocol that is used please let me know so I can add it here.
Also this is more of a curtesy to the GMs then protocol, but if you feel you need to question a GM about something, please don't disrupt the game, ask it in a private window this will eliminate alot of editing and make the game run alot smoother.
Thanks all, happy hunting. :)