You wander into a large clearing full of green grass and look around curiously. There seemed to be nobody there and you settle down on a large flat rock in the middle of the clearing. It started to get a little cold and little bits of fluffy snowflakese started falling. You shivered and a loud shout made you yelp and leap off your perch. You look around and notice a girl standing there, a big grin plastered across her face mixed in with a bit of a smirk.
"Hello," she chirruped and held out a hand, "Name's ebonydove!"
"Err, hi..."
"Wellllll," she drawled, "welcome to my realm, hope you're already having a wonderful time. Oh, don't worry, it's not usually this cold."
"Is it going to get warmer?" I ask hopefully.
"Actually, colder," she stated with a laugh.
You sigh and shrug thoughtfully.
"Well, there are some places that are warm since my realm is filled with a different variety of creatures. Maybe you should start off in a warmer environment. If you follow that path, it should lead you to the Rocky Mountains. A herd of unicorns live there," she gave a cheerful wave and bounced off into the cold forest.
You look around and spot the dusty path she was refering to. You decided to head down in to the Rocky Mountains.