Characters in the
:::Head to the KOD:::
:::ooohhh scary:::

Angel--Fire : Goddess of Spring

Est. 7000 apparent age:22


  • father-Jupiter
  • mother-Leto
  • sister-Apollo

  • Attributes/Skills:
    Like her companion Trinity, she uses her appearance to best advantage with men. Skilled at picking locks and pockets. Usual weapon of choice are silver arrows. Angel is known for her nuturing of children and protecting the weak and vulnerable, particularly women.

    The Goddess of Freshness, Renewal, Beginnings, Promise, and Potential. she acted quickly and decisively in advocating for the vulnerable and suffering. On these occasions, she was strong enough to go against even the toughest foes in the name of justice. She persevered through the toughest of times. In the end, however, she was readily available to show her nurturing side.


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