Characters in the
:::Head to the KOD:::
:::ooohhh scary:::

I am Destiny. Yes, D E S T I N Y.

You have heard the name, now cast your vision along what may be your greatest thrill! No doubt, when you go home, you will speak of me. Everyone does. No one forgets Me!


Take a look for yourself fool! Commoner! You should be grateful just to look upon this perfection! Hair the colour of rosewood, long and flowing upon My pale skin. My eyes, one be blue, the other green. Find another Lady in these lands that can brag of such diversity! My blood is pure, and I feed on anyone I choose. I feed often.... very often, so this pale flesh of Mine usually has the healthy glow of a mortal.
Blah! I hardly wish to look mortal. Fools they be! Commoners! Sheep that only beg to be led around! None could ever achieve the beauty that is Me. Long legs, slender, yet muscular form. I am what all women strive to be, and what all men desire!



I carry a sword, when I travel, but what makes a greater weapon than a devoted man servant, dedicated to serving My ~every~ whim? A sword, a shield, a mode of transportation.... they act as all things. My greatest weapon? Feminine charms my dear.. and if you have not yet fallen prey to them.. you will soon......


Why should I tell you of such? You have no chance to over power me, my guards and soldiers would never let you close enough. I command armies of thousands... you would die before you even raised a sword. And.. if you were clever and skilled enough to make it to my chambers... your heart would race before you even thought to do me harm.
I have the powers and prowess of a vampiress, and if you did not fall in love with me at first sight, I could drain your body till you would see only the white light of your maker’s hand.


I came here from another world. You may have heard that I am a clone. I suppose that this is true... however no clone has ever been like Me. I do not resemble my benefactor as much as one would imagine, so I no longer consider myself such.
I was brought here to the Kingdom of Darkness from my other land, by WhirlWind Matrix... whom.... I have a .... ~slight~ fondness for. But only in the most professional ways!!! He is a wonderful leader! He is powerful! Do not underestimate me, I only seek alliance with Him so that we may rule. Side by side.... of course mind you........ He is not yet leader of this nation, and he claims that he does not wish such..... but I think I can convince Him.....