Characters in the
:::Head to the KOD:::
:::ooohhh scary:::
:::Moonlight and Sunrise::: “Hello, we are Moonlight and Sunrise....”
"no!!! it is Sunrise and Moonlight!"
"Oh grow up Sunny!!!... we just have to write this, ok?? Mummy asked us too. Er... Mommy even." **giggles** Just write.. ok?"
"You are getting really bossy Sis. but... ok."

“We are twins, the first children of Starshine and NightCloud, and we were born on January 8th, shortly after our parents met IRL”
“We are non -vampiric, though still immortal. We do not normally drink blood, though we can of course, and we can eat "normal" food, but don’t necessarily require it to exist.”
“ We can alter our age appearance to best suit the occasion, however are most comfortable as appearing to be about 5-8 years old. For instance, if I need to fight, I can be like 18 years old. If I need to be taken seriously, I can look older. Moonlight is the same. When she needed to take care of our baby sister, she was able to look about 16 to 17 years old, so that she could do it.”
“ I tend to wear my hair really long, and it is a dark blond. Moonlight is the same, though her hair is a little lighter, cus she spends more time in the sun ironically. We are both tall for our ages, but are just like regular kids for the most part....

“Is that all boss?"
“ No.. Sunny.. you make it sound so cold..... Mummy would not like that.. you know how she likes to ramble...”
"Fine.. you talk now!"
“ Ok... ...”

*Maya* is our mommy’s best friend, other than our daddy. She was a person, then a wolf, then both. I think she is just a person now though. She is really pretty, and she takes care of us when Mommy or Daddy have to do other things. She always looks out for us, and even though she is not very big.. she can be REALLY protective of us. She is sort of the caretaker of our whole family.
Then there is Twilight Nova, my lil sister. She is just a baby, so she doesn’t have to make a page like this for herself.

The crystal ball, that right now Daddy is wearing, has special significance to our family. Once side of the sphere was given to each of us upon our birth, by Mummy and Daddy’s sire- Modu. He is a nice enough sort, though we don’t see him very much. The ball was not his, he was just the deliverer. When Mummy or Daddy are near, the half that represents them glows a lil bit... and.. when the spheres are placed together, it becomes this really neat ball!
The sphere has changed too... when we were born, each half had symbols for the four of us on both it’s face’s.. and when Twilight came, hers appeared too. Once, it glowed so hot, that it burned daddy, and he still had a little of the scar on his palm. If you know it is there, you can see the symbol. A star with a cloud wrapped around it, the moon nearby... the sunrise on one side, and the twilight heading on the other.