Characters in the
:::Head to the KOD:::
:::ooohhh scary:::


Trinity...Goddess of the Autumn Equinox.


The beautiful daughter of Demeter and Zeus, granddaughter of Cronos and Rheia, Stolen from her world, and her mother, Trinity was taken to the Underworld and married to the God of the Underworld....Hades....whom she came to love over time.


Unknown ( est. 5000). Apparent age...20.


Uses her appearance to best advantage with men. Skilled at picking locks and pockets..~lol~. Skilled with poisons, although rarely uses them. Prefers weapons that are easy to hide. High skills of concealment and stealth. Combines good with evil.....learning from both her mother and her husband.


Over all a gorgeous, charming female. Gets along with good and evil, almost torn between the two. She is called the Unavoidable, the Mystery of Mysteries. From Her, all things proceed, and to Her, all things must return. From Her Cauldron, all life emerges. She is the Night Sky at the Darkest Moment of the Dark Moon and the Barren Earth at the Dead of Winter. She is the Unchanging Shape-Shifter. At once, we see Her as Warrior, Siren, Midwife, Weaver, Dancer and Devourer. The Keeper of the Keys to all Magick.

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